Chapter 13

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***Jasmine's Pov:***

"Now what?!" Jed complains.
"Chill, dude. It's not like we've never dealt with a mission like this before." Shane says as he sits on his computer.

Our mission was...just a teeny-tiny bit complicated.
A serial killer on the loose, targeting teenage girls. Why a CIA case? Well, not a single camera in the city has captured just a hint of his face, nor his body, nor his anything. He just comes out as a black blob. Interesting, I know!

We've got no hint about him whatsoever, but we've got a suspect. They saw him at the crime scene 3 minutes after the murder. He's got some history with robbing some gas stations.

"What do you think Jasmine?" Rosie asks me.

I don't know what to say. There's just something very...wrong about this all!

I wish Scarlett were here! She would've thought exactly what I was thinking...

"I don't think the suspect is the serial killer." I reply looking around to look at their reactions. It's clear they want an explanation.

I continue," okay so, if he's a genuine professional serial killer, and he can manipulate cameras, then he wouldn't be so naïve to just walk out of the crime scene,with different clothes, so casually."

Frowns begin to disappear...good sign.

They just think about it, they dont seem very convinced though. I enlighten them with another piece of information to support my idea. I'm not gonna get proven wrong on my first Mission! " If you wanna do something, anything at all, either you go simple since you're afraid of what might happen. Or you go to the extreme, and you're not afraid of what might happen. "

"If the suspect has just robbed gas stations, then he has settled for it, he chose simple. He just wants to cause mischief and not chaos."

All jaws were dropped down. Awe-struck was what they were.

"What the..." Shane begins as Lucas cuts him off with,"did you know how sexy that made you sound!?" and a smirk danced in his lips.

Me being me, he's met with a punch to his shoulder. Oh well, who told him to get so...intimate with me.

And Lucas being Lucas, the smirk doesn't escape his face, and instead twists into his signature smile.

"Okay, so we gonna like work on this case, or what?" Jed says as he twists and turns in his chair.

"Done!" Shane yells from his chair.

All eyes turn to Shane, as he glances at us from his computer screen.

"What?!" He exclaims.

"Enlighten us." I say as I get a chair to sit next to him.

"This serial killer's targeting girls-teengaers- and he is in this region. Our region. We wanna catch him we do it quick, it's now or never people."

"Okay...and?" Lucas shoots from the other end of the room.

"That's all I got. We need to split up guys." Shane replies.

Lucas rubs his hands together." Okay guys, listen up. Rosie, you stay next to the high schools, any suspicions we move. "

Rosie nods her head.

"Shane, it's a Friday night, look up all concerts and parties around town, and drive around them, any suspicions we move."

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