Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"Really? What did I contribute to your relationship? Because, last I checked, you took care of Jimin when he was having problems with Seung. You made sure he was okay. You looked after him. All I ever did was make jokes and give advice. I was a bystander. Just because things didn't work out, doesn't give you the right to pin all the blame on me." Hana scoffed. "Also, I thought you'd like to know," She started, eyeing her relative. "I went to visit Jimin earlier, and I managed to overhear a specific conversation of interest involving Namjoon and his friends. Guess what it was about."


"It was about Jimin, but that's all I'm saying, for now. I wouldn't want to cause anymore of the problems you keep blaming me for." She scoffed. "But, apparently," She started. "They're night together wasn't as intense as Namjoon said it was."

"What does that mean?" A confused Yoongi asked.

"They didn't go as far as you think they did." Hana told him. "I think you should go and talk to Namjoon. I think he might have a thing for Jimin."

"Hana, what's the point in lying?"

"I'm not lying! Namjoon told his friends that they never even had sex. They came close, but Jimin stopped it."

"But, Namjoon told me Jimin didn't try to stop it at all."

"With the way Namjoon's been acting towards you lately, I wouldn't trust a thing he tells you." She shook her head. "Talk to him and find out whether it's true or not. Otherwise you're gonna be holding a grudge against Jimin for no reason."

"But, why would Namjoon lie like that?"

"I think he wants you to think Jimin isn't interested in you anymore, so he can make his move. But, that's just my opinion. Don't take anything I say too seriously." Hana drew in a deep breath while scratching the back of her neck. "If you ask me, I think he's lying. Jimin's a loyal guy. He's not gonna move on until he's completely sure you're not worth it. And, the way I see it, if he didn't think you were worth it, he wouldn't have come to Jaeyoon's wedding. So, something's definitely not right."

"But, Jimin's the one who told you about him and Namjoon." Yoongi argued.

"Yeah, but he gets emotional when he drinks. Not sexual." Hana pointed out."Not only that, he gets sick half the time while drinking, and barely ever remembers what happened the next day. So, there's no way, if you ask me, that anything happened."

"You're not making any sense."

"That night you and Seung almost fought at the bar, you ended up taking Jimin and Hoseok home, right?" Hana didn't bother waiting for a response. "That's because he got sick from drinking. And, didn't you tell me he got drunk with Hoseok one night, and he told you all Jimin did was cry the whole time?"


"So, that was right after Jimin found out about Seung and Hanji. He had some drinks, and couldn't hold back the tears any longer, so he cried all night. So, don't you think the same thing would've happened with Namjoon, since you and Jimin were kind of going through a rough time? You don't think he spent the whole time crying over you? You just think he went and had sex with Namjoon that easily?"

"You should really consider being a detective or something." Yoongi snorted. "You're looking too deep into this. They slept together and I'm over it."

"I'm telling you, that didn't happen. Either Jimin's playing along, or he really, genuinely thinks he slept with Namjoon. You need to talk to Namjoon."

"Fine. I'll go talk to him."

"I'm serious, Yoongi. He's got a hidden agenda. I know it."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, and decided not to say anything else, because it was evident Hana wasn't going to let him have the last word. So, he figured he'd do as Hana suggested, and pay Namjoon a visit to get some clarity on what exactly was going on. But, what was he going to do if Hana was right? If Namjoon really did lie about the whole thing, then what? Why would anyone lie about anything like that?


"Hey, Yoongi." Namjoon greeted his friend, after opening the door and seeing who it was.

"I have a question." Yoongi announced.

"O...kay. Did you really come all the way here to ask a question, when you could've called me?"

"I need to be face-to-face with you in order for me to ask it." Yoongi informed.

Namjoon shrugged, not caring much, and stepped aside to let Yoongi in. "So, what's the question?" He asked, shutting the door behind Yoongi.

"Did you and Jimin really sleep together?"

"No." Namjoon admitted, without hesitation.

"Then, why would you lie about it?"

"Because, I wanted to see how far things would go. I wanted to see how you'd blow things out of proportion if you ended up finding out we slept together, which didn't actually happen."

"So, what? Did you get Jimin to go along with your plan?"

"Not really. I guess he didn't remember what happened the night before, so I told him we went all the way." Namjoon nodded, laughing a bit. "I didn't think he'd actually believe me, though. He was right when he said he couldn't handle his liquor."

"What really happened that night?" Yoongi asked.

"I tried to get him to sleep with me, and I came close, but then he stopped me and started crying all night. He wouldn't tell me what he was crying for, though. So, that kind of ruined things."

"Why would you do that?"

"There's a lot of people out there dying to have someone like Jimin in their life. Maybe, you should realize that he's not going to wait for you forever. If you still love him, then tell him. You can't get mad at everyone that likes him when you two aren't even together anymore. You also don't have a right to get mad at him if he's interested in someone else that's not you, because like I said, you're not together. If it bothers you that much, then get back together with him. You miss him, and he misses you. When are you two gonna sit down and actually talk about your feelings?"

"There's nothing to talk about." Yoongi scoffed.

"You and I both know that's not true, but whatever." Namjoon crossed his arms, and shrugged a bit. "I'm not Hana. I'm not gonna force you to work your differences out with Jimin. But, let me ask you this," He paused. "What will you do when Jimin finds someone else, that isn't you? Will you be able to handle that?"


"If your answer is yes, then there's no need to talk to him." Namjoon interrupted. "But, if your answer is no, then just try and work it out. You two are getting annoying with all this angsty bullshit."

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