
Start from the beginning

I started Crumping

"Steven" she said trying to hold back laughter

"You're embarrassing me " she playfully pushed me

"Haha ok ok ill stop, but only on one condition"


I walked over to her and grabbed her chin softly

"If you promise to never leave me again.."

She nodded her head

And we stood there kissing

The wind blew which made it even nicer and my gem started to glow

Im surprised that thing still works

I pulled her in tighter and we were kissing for a while

When we finally took a breathe for air we started laughing

"Lets go home now , for real" i smiled

"Haha ok"

We walked home holding hands and took as long as possible too, so the sun was starting to set

We walked in the door to pearl freaking out

"We gotta go back!! We messed up!"

"Woah woah calm down pearl! We can fix it, hehe right garnet.." Ame said nervously

Garnet shrugged her shoulders and then looked at me


"Huh?" I started to get nervous

"come on a mission with us.."

"no No No No" connie said angrily im not in the mood to see Steven die again"

"Then don't come.." Garnet said as she crossed her arms

Connie's eyes widened and she looked to the side..

"Im not going.." I said grabbing connie's hand

She looked up at me and smiled and i smiled right back

"I never gave you the option"

Garnet grabbed my hand and dragged me to the warp pad

"Wait no! Let me stay!"

"We need you Steven.." Pearl said trying to be reassuring

"Why doesn't connie come so you can be stevonnie.. And be ..you know stronger " ame said

I looked over at connie and she had tears in her eyes, then blinked them away

"Fine ill go.."

She walked on the the warp pad and pouted

I grabbed her hand

"Don't worry we'll be fine"

She squeezed my hand tighter and hugged me..

When we warped away we were in an open field

Then we hear grass shuffle and garnet, ame and pearl summon their weapons and jumped off in different direction

Connie started shaking and crying

"Steven, i i wanna go home!!"

"Connie , its ok, fuse with me"

She sniffle


I grabbed her hand and spun her around

I tilled tell her and kissed her

__Stevonnie p.o.v__

I cant feel my feet ..

Im shaking still, i wanna stop but part of me kept pushing on..

I summoned my shield and pulled out my sword

"Garnet, ame, pearl?!" I yelled their named and could only hear them fighting something...

There was grass as far as i could see.. Then I heard a rustle and a growl

I turn around quickly

"Huh?, whose there? "

I kept spinning and started to hyperventilate

I fell to the ground and put my hands on my head.. I heard growling all around me

I started fighting with myself

Steven i cant do this!

Yes you can! Connie i believe in you

Im scared i cant!

You're brave connie! Its ok, you've taken on tougher things! After all , im here with you!

I took a deep breathe a stood up

"Im ready for you! Come and fight me!!"

Something growls and jumps out at me, it was quick , but so was i, but i guess i wasn't quick enough

i stopped..i stood there frozen

I put my hand on my stomach
And looked at them looking at the blood stained to them

I knew this would happen

__Steven's p.o.v__

We unfused

I put my hands all around me trying to find were i was injured

"Huh? Im- im not in pain..."

"Connie how.."

When i turn to the side i see connie laying on her side curled up holding herself


((Cliff hanger Dx I'm sorry.. Plus I'm sorry i didn't update yesterday i had homecoming ))

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