I fold the mat and place it on a closed box as I head towards the double doors. Opening one of them, a cool breeze with the scent of summer embraces me and welcomes itself into my apartment. I open the door wider allowing it flood in and take up residence in my stuffy home. As I stand at the door, I can't help but glance to the balcony next door. To my surprise, I can see light pouring out onto the cement landing of the balcony, and when I lean my head out slightly, I see the double doors open wide. He's awake.

I listen closely for a few minutes trying to hear the sound of shoes thudding on floorboards, the TV or a running tap, but I don't. There's nothing to be heard or seen and for a moment a question whether he actually is awake. I'm pretty sure he is though, unless it's a habit to sleep with the lights on and balcony doors open to welcome in the dangers of the night.

I linger for a little longer at my door, wondering what could be going on on the other side of the wall, until I see a shadow reflecting on the pool of light on the balcony. I step back instantly and and retreat further amongst the boxes. The thudding of my heart faster than usual doesn't go unnoticed, as I clasp my chest and let out a shaky breath. Well, that confirms that, he's definitely awake.


I went back to bed after my close encounter at the balcony, however my sleep is disrupted an hour or so later. Through the wall, I can hear the sound of the TV from next door, and a blender on the go. A blender. I barely have energy to turn on the kettle to make shai, yet my neighbour finds it in him to whip up a smoothie or protein shake in the morning. I sigh loudly, the air blowing on my lips warms them a bit and dries them out. Ignoring the obnoxious noises, I try to fall back into a slumber. I eventually do, but just like before, it doesn't last long. This time though, it's not the distant sound of a TV or a blender, but knocks on my front door.

My eyes widen as my body stiffens, and despite the heat, I suddenly feel cold- frozen. I've been living here for over a month and no one has knocked on my door before. I don't know anyone in Melbourne, no family or friends, and I haven't made any online purchases for deliveries to be brought to my door. The sound of knocking echoes again, and I get up. I exchange my shorts for a pair of pyjama pants from the bottom of my suitcase and pull a jacket over my t-shirt. Hurriedly, I wrap a scarf from my bed around my head and make my way to the door. Under my breath I mutter a series of prayers Baba taught me and I pull open the door.

"Oh- I, did I wake you?" I feel a lodge in my throat as I stare at Noah, standing at my door, dressed for the day and bag on his shoulders.

"No, I- I was awake." Keeping one hand on the door, I bring the other to quickly wipe under my eyes for crustiness. That's not a lie, I was awake even if I didn't want to be. I pat the top of my scarf, wishing I took a glance in the mirror before opening the door. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," Noah speaks as if he momentarily forgot he knocked on my door, supposedly with something to say. "I just noticed your balcony door was open, and your lights were off," I turn my head to look through my living space to the double doors, where, sure enough the balcony is open. "I thought you had a lecture and forgot it open or something."

"No," I leave my words hanging as I leave the door and walk to the balcony, closing the glass door and twisting the lock. I return to Noah, who's staring at all the boxes in my apartment, most likely thinking how lazily I am for living here over a month and still not having unpacked. "Thanks, I must've left it open this morning." I stand awkwardly at the door, playing with the lock.

"You don't have a morning lecture today?" Noah breaks the minute silence between us, as he drags his gaze over my appearance. Obviously not.

"No, I start at three on Fridays."

The Essence of Noah (Muslim story)Where stories live. Discover now