Day 3- Relax... Kinda

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Our First Time

Chapter 28: Day 3- Relax... Kinda

"Spongebob, Patrick? DO YOU MIND?!" Squidward exclaimed in annoyance. I laughed. The older Spongebob's are better than the newer ones.

My attention was cut short when Bruno walked in front of the tv screen... Butt naked. I frowned my brow and lifted my leg. I poked his firm butt with my big toe and Bruno stood up straight. He looked at me from over his shoulder and smirked.

"Do you mind," I said, "Your kinda in my way." Bruno said nothing as he bent over. All his manly parts showing with pride. A blush crept up on my face. "You're wicked," I said with a smile on my face.

Bruno stood up straight with cloths in his hands.

I closed my eyes for a bit because they were burning. I felt soft lips brush against mine, then a tongue on my lower lip. I gasped and the tongue crashed into my mouth. I moaned as Bruno deepened the kiss, running his hands up my thighs. "You are so fucking beautiful," Bruno said biting my lip.

I didn't have time to respond because Bruno was pushing me up on the bed. He grabbed my breast, making me moan even more. He kissed my jaw line, then my neck. "What has gotten into you?" I moaned out. Bruno chucked darkly before ripping my cloths off. "I haven't had sex in so long," Bruno said, looking my up and down, then to my dark eyes. "Aww baby. Why didn't you just ask?" I asked while he kissed up my arm.

Bruno was still naked and I could see and feel his erection. "I don't know but my penis is throbbing. I need your body right now." He grabbed my hand and placed it on his junk. Huh... It was throbbing. I strocked him, getting a very sexy moan to escape his mouth.

It felt like forever when Bruno had started thrusting inside me. It had only been 23 minutes. Our moans eckoed in the hotel room. We screamed each others names as we climaxed with pleasure. Bruno bit my neck, sucking on it to give me more pleasure. When he was done giving me my hicky, he toppled over to my right side. "You blow my mind... Every time," Bruno breathed out. I cuddled up next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and placed a gental kiss on my forehead.

"Let's just relax today. We haven't had alone time in a long time." I said, tracing circles on his toned chest. "That sounds nice. Just being lazy for a day." he said dreamily. "When should we go home?" he asked. I looked up as him and he was looking straight ahead. "In a couple of days. Oh, maybe we can bring Tenson and Reena with us?" Bruno looked down at me and smiled. "That'd be nice." was all he said before we drifted off to sleep.

"Yes... Fuck... Shit, shit.... YES! SUCK ON THESE!!" Bruno yelled, waking me up. I groaned in annoyance, "What are you doing?" He looked at me from the floor in front of the bed. "Fun Run with the guys." Bruno smiled sheepishly. I grunted and threw a fluffy pillow at his face.

"How are the guys anyway?" I asked rubbing my belly and getting out of bed. "They told me they were great and that they missed us. Brooks has been kind of down since his lost Jisenta but he's getting better." he said with a sad smile. I felt bad for Brooks in a way. "What time is it? I'm starving!" Bruno looked at the time and said it was 11:20. "Ugh! Did we miss breakfast?" I asked. "There still open, but we would have to hurry. Plus we still have food from yesterday." Bruno told me.

I nodded, standing up and getting dressed. Every time I looked over to Bruno, he would be eyeing my sexually and biting his lip. I rolled my eye and giggled. "Come on, let's go!" I yelled from the hall way.

As I walked down the hall way of the hotel, Bruno stopped me by wrapping himself around me. "What are you doing?" I asked, looking back at him. He started to hump me from behind. I gasped in surprise. "Say my name baby," he whispered seductively in my ear. I tried to walk away but he only pulled me closer to him. "I wanna eat though," I whined, "Let me goooo!" Trying to get away from him, I started to laugh a bit.

"Say it," he whispered again, grabbing my boobies. I sighed and said, "Bruno," I looked back to see him smirking. He humped me once more with force and almost made me fall. I slapped his upper arm and rolls my eyes as he kissed my cheek.

Luckily, we made it to the breakfast buffet and grabbed some food. We sat down and quickly ate so we wouldn't bother the staff.

My phones bass dropped as my ringtone, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, started to play. I picked it up to my baby cousin Jamie's voice. "Hi Sammie!" she said with excitement. I couldn't help but smile, "Hey boo! How are you?" I asked. I heard noise in the background but couldn't make it out. "I'm fine. Daddy's being mean to mommy again," she said trailing off. My eyes widened, "Mean how sweetie?" Bruno looked at me concerned. We still sat outside the buffet, the wind blowing lightly. "He yells at her. Sometimes I see her with boo-boos on her. It scares me, when are you coming home?"

I looked at Bruno, years welling in my eyes. "Is daddy the one that's yelling? I can hear him." Jamie said yes and I felt a tear escape my eye. "I'll be home tomorrow, I promise. What I want you to do is call Jisenta. You remember her right? Good. Call her when daddy settles down. Pack some things that you'll need: cloths, toothbrush, your brush, hair clips, all that good stuff," I told her, then gave her Jisenta's number. "Remember, call her when daddy calms down. Tell her what's going on and she'll come get you. I'll see you tomorrow ok?" The tears were flowing down my face like a waterfall now. "Ok Sammie. What about mommy?"

"Bring her with you. Just make sure daddy's not there, or is asleep ok? I have to go now. I love you." I chocked at the last part. "I wuv you too!" Jamie said before hanging up.

Bruno ran over to me and hugged me. "What happen baby?" he asked helping me stand up. "It was Jamie. We have to get back home by tomorrow. Her father is beating her mom. I'm scared for them. We need to get back!" I started getting hysterical. "Shhh," Bruno cooed. "Let's go pack our things. I'll see if we can change our flight ok?" I nodded, still crying.

We rushed back to the hotel room, Bruno on his phone, trying to change the flight, and me packing our things.

I got a text from Jisenta. She told me that Jamie had called saying that her dad was gone and she's on her way to get her and April, Jamie's mom. "I was able to change out flight but it's early in the morning." Bruno said. I nodded and sat on the bed.

I texted Tenson and told him I was leaving early. He told me that he would come up and see us. The tears still ran down my face. Bruno knelt in front of me, wiping away every tear that escaped my eyes. "It's going to be alright baby. Just relax. Lay down 'till Tenson gets here."

I did as he said, rubbing my eyes.

About 5 minutes later, Uncle Tenson knocked at the hotel door. "How is she," he said without preamble. I felt the bed dip under his weight. "Sit up baby," he and Bruno said in unison. I sat up with a sniffle and told Tenson everything that happen. His arm wrapped around me the whole time.

Bruno kept kissing all my tears away until I eventually stopped. He and Tenson made my laugh a bunch of times to try and cheer me up. "Everything will be alright. Call me right when you guys land, ok?" Bruno and I nodded and spent a few more minutes talking to Tenson before he left.

"How would you feel if my cousins lived with us for a while?" I said as me and Bruno cuddled on the bed. He was silent for a while and I got nervous. "I'd love that. Jamie is adorable and April is awesome... Just like us. I have no problem, as long as their safe." Bruno said and kissed my cheek.

"What times the flight?" I asked. "Your not gonna like this," bruno said slowly, "5:00 AM." I was trying my best to stay calm but these damn hormones! "What?" I said as calmly as I could. I didn't get an answer, all I got was Bruno attacking me with his soft, warm lips.

"C'mon. It's 3:20 now. Let's waist some time doing the freaky?" he said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and kissed him all over.

Our First Time (A Bruno Mars fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now