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Our First Time

Chapter 4: Nightmares

I ask Bruno to sing that chorus again and he says no playfully. I pout a bit and drop it.

It looks like he's hesitating to ask me something. I stare at him, "What is it?" He looks a little bit hurt then says "This is a weird question but do you still have nightmares?" I look at him bewildered. Still? I don't know. "Yeah, I had one last night. The strange thing was, it felt so real, like it's happen to me before."

Bruno looks destroyed, defeated even. "I'm so sorry." he says.

-Sam's POV-

What is he talking about? He's acting so weird. Why is he sorry I had such a weird nightmare?

-Bruno's POV-

Oh my gosh, nooooo! Why does she keep having them?! Sinister said this would blow over by the time the amnesia kicked it. I'm going to kill him.

As Bruno walks out, I stop him. It's weird, but, I don't want him to leave. I feel save in his presence. "Do you have to go?" I sound like a child. I hope he says no so we can do something. "Uhh, no. But I want to work on my songs for a while. Sorry. But I promise I'll come over tonight. Sound good?" It does sound good.

Bruno kisses my forehead and walks out.

It's so dark out. The day went by peacefully. I hadn't seen Bruno since this morning and he promised to come by tonight.

-Sam's POV-

I can't wait 'til he gets here. What should I wear? Booty shorts and my NYU hoodie? Or sweats and a tank top? Maybe thongs and a tank top? Nothing at all? No girl that is too risky!

I wait up for Bruno to stop by, but he never shows. I think I fall asleep at one point cause I have another nightmare.

I'm in a room. It's dark and I start to get paranoid. I hear whispers. Then a very bright iridescent light comes on, and my eyes hurt a bit. I recognize the voice but it's muffled. The silhouettes start to walk towards me. One of them ripped my shirt apart exposing my bra. I panic and try to cover myself but it's like I'm dead and I can't move. I'm scared and try to wake up from this dream. I start to rock back and forth. Faster and faster. I open my eyes and scream.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" I shout but it's just Bruno trying to wake me up. All I'm wearing is my sweats and a tank top. Thank glob. He gave me a hug and kisses the tears away. I told him all about the dream I just had. His face looks stone cold. I ignore it and cry into his chest.

-Bruno's POV-

Holy.... This can't be happening. Should I just tell the truth and save her the heart ache, or just leave her again?

Bruno tells me he's not gonna leave me alone tonight. He takes off his shirt and his bronze chest is so muscular and strong. I'm mesmerized for a moment. He crawls in next to and we cuddle until we both fall into sleeps arms.

-Bruno's POV-

I'll tell her tomorrow. No matter what the cost. She deserves to know. If I lose her again... I'll be gone. For good. Let me fall into deaths arms because I don't want Sam to hate once again.

-Sam's POV-

I think I may be falling for Bruno. I would do anything for him. And I don't care if he does anything bad to me I will still love him. But it feels wrong.

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