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Our First Time

Chapter 9: Planning

Months have passed and the wedding date, April 20th, was coming up fast! I went on Facebook and went to my favorite bands page and messaged them, hoping desperately they'd answer.

Dear Mayday Parade,

Hey, I'm Sam Carter and I'm like your biggest fan! I love your music so much, I have all your songs! I have a wedding coming up (April 20th) and I was wondering if you could hire you as a band to play. I'll pay $3,000 an hour. The wedding will be around 8 hours long, so you''ll get paid a bunch! :) It would be great if you can get back to me ASAP. I don't care what song you play, even if its brand new, because I love you guys so much! Thanks! And if you need my number it's: 555-9734. Thanks again!

I waited nervously. After waiting 20 minuets on hopelessness, I was going to log off... When my inbox lite up. I full on panicked! I can't believe they wrote back! Ahhhhhhhh! I clicked on my inbox and read the text carefully.

Re: Dear Mayday Parade

Hey Sammie! I hope its cool we call you that. Thanks for being a big fan. This is Jake btw. I talked it over with the guys and our manager and... WE ARE FREE APRIL 20TH!! Are you hyped?! 'Cause we are! The money is very generous and that makes our manager happy. He said we have to meet up with you in a month or so because we are writing new songs for our new album! Can't wait to see you!

Hey its Brooks! I was wondering if you could send us a list of your favorite songs by us so we could play those first. It would really help us out and CONGRATS ON THE WEDDING! Tell the lucky man we give him our regards ;) See ya soon!

-Jake, Brooks, & Mayday Parade <3

I must be dreaming. And before i can wake up, i message them back so fast, I didn't remember i sent it.

Re:re Dear Mayday Parade

Thanks you sooooooo much!! You don't know how much this means to me! And Brooks, here's the list you asked for:

Mayday Parade songs:

1. No Heroes Allowed


3. Jamie All Over

4. Priceless

5.Happy Endings Are Stories That Haven't Ended Yet

6.If You Wanted A Song Written About You, All You Had To Do Was Ask

7.When You See My Friends

8. Without The Bitter The Sweet Isn't As Sweet

9.Amber Lynn

10. Terrible Things

But really, I love all of them. Thanks again!

I screamed so loud, Bruno rushed into the room to make sure i was okay. "THEY SAID YES! WE HAVE A BAND FOR THE WEDDING!" Bruno did the strangest this. He screamed like a girl. I stared at him for a second, and busted out with laughter. He loves Mayday Parade as much as i do.

Bruno went out to go Tux shopping. So i was along to do the invitations. And so far, I had the date and our names. Man i suck!

This is going to be a long planning. Tomorrow, me and Jisenta are going to go dress shopping so we can get that out of the way. It'll take forever because Jisenta is that type of person. But hey, you gotta love her.


Who the hell is that? I walk to the door, and i freeze. The person says, "Hey there. Long time, no see. Remember me?"

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