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Our First Time

Chapter 19: Unknown

-Unknown POV-

I woke with a stretch, hands over me head, as I yawned. Days passed and I missed my best friends. I shrugged it off and went to the bathroom to wash all the impurities away.

The water was warm as it cascaded over my cold, wet, naked body. I started to think of her and that day we went to the beach. It was warm and sunny. She had the sexiest bikini on, I could see her side boob. "It's so nice out," she said to me, looking up at the sky, "I wish it was like this everyday." I nodded at her and smiled. The sun hit her at a beautiful angle, making me more attracted to her every moment.

Then she stood up and held her hand out. "Come on, let's get in the water!" she yelled as she yanked me up. We ran into the every cold water. "If my dick shrinks, I blame you!!" I yelled at her, cringing. "Oh, stop being a pussy! This feels awesome!" She shouted back. My god, she looks so happy and sexy. I swam towards her. She wrapped her legs around me, arms around my neck (we were dating at the time but broke up a week later). She kissed me intensely.

We stood in the ocean, still kissing. She pulled away and whispered to me, "I love you." I looked into her eyes and said it back. Then, she started to untangle her bikini top and flung it into the water. My heart pounded and I got hard. She smiled devilishly at me, then bite my neck.

My eyes closed, water falling on my face from the shower head. As I rubbed my body with soap, I felt that my dick was hard from the memory. "Shit," I mumbled under my breathe.

Once my shower was done and I was soft again, I grabbed some basketball shorts and stayed shirtless. I headed down stairs where my laptop waited for me. I turned it on and waited for it to boot up.

Finally, after like 20 minutes, I logged into my Facbook. Nothing new happened as usual but I saw a post me her.

*Seeing if it's a boy or a girl :) I'm so excited! >.<*

Under the post was a picture of them, looking happy as ever. I sighed and logged out. I pinched the bridge of my nose. I hate this so fucking much! I decided to check me email for anything new.

I had 3 unread emails. 2 from Facebook, 1 from, wait am I reading this right, her. I opened the email and it read:

Dear to whom it may concern,

This is a wedding invite, and I would love for you to come :) *** ****** and ***** **** will be the happy couple on April 20th. Here is the address: 5301 *** ****, *** ****. It will start at 5:30 and end at 11:00. We would love to see you there :) please bring the invitation to the bouncer, Matt. If you forget, say you know the bride and groom. :) Thank You.


The bride

Wow. I can't believe she would actually invite me. She belongs with me not him. I know what I did was wrong but... What else was I so pose to do?

I looked at the date. It was April 11th. The wedding is next week. Time to get my tux.

Our First Time (A Bruno Mars fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now