Gally x Reader ~ Halo

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Remember those walls I built?

Well, baby, they're tumbling down

And they didn't even put up a fight

They didn't even make a sound

I found a way to let you in

But I never really had a doubt

Standing in the light of your halo

I got my angel now

"It's a girl!", Newt exclaims confused and shocked at the same time. Within one second the boys come closer to the Box to catch a glimpse at you. The way you lying unconscious there on the metal ground touches Gally - the usually tough guy. You look a little bit like a fallen angel without wings.

"I get her out", he hears himself saying, while he jumps into the Box. The Keeper of the Builders wouldn't let one of the boys in your near. Especially when they are looking at you like a piece of meat. Carefully he picks you up bridal style. Gally never gets attached to someone, because he could lose them every day. The Glade and the Maze are dangerous places. But you are an exception and he doesn't even know why. The Builder gives you a silent promise. He would protect you at all costs.

"Hi...", Gally looks at you surprised that you are actually looking at him. A weak smile appears on your lips. It so bright and friendly. Not a single trace of fear on your face. "Hey", he replies returning your smile. That's the moment the Keeper of the Builders realizes that you are something special.

"Am I dead?", you can't remember anything from your life - just your name. That's actually what he wanted to ask. Gally is the one who's carrying a beautiful girl in his arms. It feels like heaven to him. "No ... my angel", he doesn't like to show his soft side, but he couldn't help himself in your near. It's like something - No, someone is changing him.

It's like I've been awakened

Every rule I had you breakin'

It's the risk that I'm takin'

I ain't never gonna shut you out

"Hey, Captain Gally!", you greet your friend laughing about the silly nickname he gave himself. Gally turns around always with a smile on his lips when you are around. "What's up, my angel?", the nickname got stuck in his head since your first day in the Glade. Some of the boys teased him awhile, but he had some good arguments to stop them.

He's wondering why you are not working on your building. You are not quite sure how you should say it so you just held out your hand with his hammer. "I borrowed one of your tools. I swear I wanted to ask you, but couldn't find anywhere. Are you mad at me now?", you add to your gesture.

The other Gladers told you about his rules. Actually you didn't want to break one of them. A brief moment Gally looks at you emotionless, then his typical "(Y/N)"-smile comes back. "No, I can't be mad at you. It's okay, just ask the next time", he grabs the hammer from your hand. A sigh of relief escapes your mouth. "Okay, I promise I won't break your rules again", you wink at him smiling, before you leave him alone again.

Gally looks at the tool in his hand, while he shakes his head slowly, "You did it already, my angel." You wake something what he tried to bury deep in his heart. Feelings... He couldn't think about a life without you anymore. That's the risk he's taking only for you. The only person who can break his shell and see his real face.

Everywhere I'm looking now

I'm surrounded by your embrace

Baby, I can see your halo

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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