#2 You need a job

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You need a job


You shouldn't listen to the conversation, but you have to know what Alby and Frypan are talking about. "She is awesome. I need her as a cook, Alby", Frypan is gushing over your skills in front of the leader. A slight smile appears on your lips, when you hear his words. "Calm down. Is it (Y/N)'s wish?", Alby wants to know immediately. You should get a job where you have fun.

To be honest you don't really care what job you get. It's terrible for you just to sit around and watch the others working. "I didn't ask her, but just try this. It tastes like heaven", Frypan gives him a piece of the chocolate you made. Boredom pushed you to do something, then you found the kitchen and started to experiment.

"Wow! That's... Wow...", Alby seems to be impressed by your skills. "Told you. This is a piece of heaven", you can literally see Frypan's grin in front of you. "Yes, but I don't want to push (Y/N) into something. It's her decision", the leader replies seriously. "I would love to be a cook", you enter the room with a slight smile on your lips. "YES!", Frypan cheers, while Alby shakes his head smirking.


"(Y/N), you need a job. What's interesting for you?", Alby asks you friendly. A brief moment you think about your decision. "I want to be a builder", you don't know why, but you really want to do this. Gally next to you throws his arms into the air, "What?"

Sighing you roll your eyes annoyed a bit. Of course he would make a drama out of this situation. "Why not?", Alby wants to know, while he crosses his arms over his chest. "She is a girl!", the blond haired boy answers. His words don't even hurt you, because you knew he would react like this. "That's not an argument! You are such a shuck face!", really angry you punch his arm.

Even if you are just a few days in the Glade you are already used to the Glader slang. A slight smile appears on Alby's lips, "I think she knows exactly what she wants. Give her a chance." You just nod in agreement. "You just get one chance to prove your skills, Greenie", Gally gives up sighing.

"First things first. My name is (Y/N)! Prepare yourself to be impressed as hell by my skills", Alby and Gally exchange a glance, while you leave them alone. "What did I say? Troublemaker!", the blond haired boy shakes his head. "Yes, but she is your troublemaker now!"


"Hey, Greenie! What are you doing?", Minho greets you with his typical smile. Unimpressed you hit your elbow playfully into his ribs. "(Y/N) not Greenie! I'm trying to get a connection to the Maze. Alby said that I'm going to be a Runner", you answer seriously.

Maybe you should be scared of what's waiting inside there, but it couldn't be more terrifying than waking up surrounded by boys without a single memory. "What? You can't be a Runner", Minho exclaims shocked. "Because I'm a girl?", you guess a bit mad at him. "No, because it's dangerous!"

A brief moment you look at him surprised. Of course the boys told you stories about the Grievers. It sounds horrific, but there has to be a way out of this Maze and you want to find it. "Are you worried about me? Come on, Minho. Your drama credit card has exceeded its limit", you reply sassy as hell.

Sighing he rolls his eyes, "You could take it seriously. I don't want to see you dying out there... I mean... You are the Greenie and shouldn't die on your first day in the Maze." The smile on your lips widens immediately. "Whatever!", Minho makes his way to the map room. Game, set and match to (Y/N)!


"Come on, (Y/N). You have to choose something", Newt says sighing, but you just give him a shrug with your shoulders. "I don't know. I'm an all-rounder. Give me some work and I'll do it", you add to your gesture. There is nothing special you want to do.

"Maybe you want to help Clint and Jeff as a Med-Jack?", he suggests a really good idea, while he offers you his hand to grab it. "Well, why not?", you grab his hand smiling. "Great! Clint and Jeff are nice. Maybe Gally appears once in a while. I don't know his fingers and the hammer don't like each other", Newt explains which makes you laugh.

"I think I can handle him, when his fingers hurt", the two of you enter the hut laughing. Matching to your words you already see Gally sitting on a chair. "Told you", Newt and you exchange a glance still grinning. "What?", the blond haired boy raises his eyebrows confused.

"Nothing. Do you need help?", is your friendly reply. You don't even started with your job, but you can already feel that this is the place where you belong. Helping and patching up the other Gladers. That's what you want to do.


"I want to be a Runner like you", that's probably the worst sentence you could say to Thomas. He raises his eyebrows shocked. "Really? Why?", of course you notice that the brown haired boy dislikes your decision. Suddenly a bit unsure you cross your arms over your chest. "I want to see what's behind these walls. I want to find a way out of this nightmare", you explain what you feel.

Thomas runs his fingers through his hair sighing. "But it's dangerous out there. Do you really want this?", he just tries to keep you safe. "Yes, it's dangerous, but I can handle it! You have seen how fast I am", you wouldn't let him convince you to stay in the Glade. "I didn't mean to insult you. I'm just ... worried?", Thomas doesn't know how to put his feelings into words.

"Don't worry. I'll be careful. Apart from this, you can show me some of your tricks. Then I should be fine", you give him your best smile. He already knows how stubborn you can be so what is he supposed to do? "Alright, I got it. Come on, you have a lot of things to learn", Thomas gives up to discuss with you.

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