#4 He writes you an anonymous love letter

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He writes you an anonymous love letter


You just closed your eyes for a brief moment after you made your work in the kitchen. To your surprise you find a folded letter with your name on it right next to you.

Dear (Y/N),

I love you for so many reasons, big and small and all of them are wonderful. I love you for all he special qualities that make you one of a kind. The only one in the world for me. I love you for the things you do that bring such special meaning to my life. I love you for the silent times when your eyes and arms tell me all I want to know.

I love you, just because I do.

Because now in the deepest part of my heart. A place where there was nothing before. There is love. A true and deep love. You make me complete. I promise one day I'll be brave enough to tell you my feelings from face to face.

Your secret admirer

Smiling you press the letter against your chest. You are not quite sure who wrote it, but there is a feeling that you know the person very well. Well, your heart hopes that it's him.


You make a brake to get your lunch from Frypan, but there is already a surprise waiting for you. On the table you were building lies a folded letter with a special nickname on it.


you never fail to amaze me. Everyday there is something new that makes me love you even more than the day before. You are the best thing that happened it my life, because no one else makes me happy like you. I usually don't get attached to easily, but that changed when I met you.

To be honest I'm too scared to tell you how I feel from face to face. Maybe I'm scared, because you mean more to me than any other person. You are everything I think about, everything I need, everything I want.

You give me a feeling I can't put into words. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Your slinthead

Shocked and flustered at the same time you run your fingers through your hair. There is just only one person who calls you troublemaker. A person you hate and love at the same time. You have tried to hide your feelings, but maybe it isn't necessary anymore.


It was a hard day for you in the Maze so you are heading to your hammock. Your body needs the sleep right here, right now. There is just a little letter waiting to give you something to dream of.

Girl of my dreams,

the boys told me that to make you fall in love I hand to make you laugh, but every time you laugh I'm the one who falls in love. I love that feeling that I get when I see your smile. I've fallen for your laugh, which is utterly contagious. I've fallen for our jokes, which I'll remember days later and burst into laughter.

I've fallen for you how you can make my day better, even if I wanted to cry and yell at everyone a minute before. I've fallen for every second I get to spend with you, even if those seconds will always leave me wanting more.

A shuck face in love

Your typical smile appears on your lips immediately. Of course you know who wrote this letter, but you would act stupid. You are not easy to get and he should never forget this fact. But right now you are just the happiest person in the Glade.


Another day in the Glade. Another day where you patch up the Gladers. Today is something different. You find a folded letter with your name on it between the medical supplies.

Lovely (Y/N),

I love you more than words can show. I think about you more than you could ever know, until forever this will be true, because there is no one I would ever love the way I love you. Maybe it's the way you make me feel special in your near.

I love my eyes when you look into them. I love my name when you say it. I love my heart when you touch it. I love my life when you are in it. I could write you a million words and not a single one of them would be able to describe how much you mean to me.

I'm totally in love with you.

Just a boy with a dream

You can't wipe the wide smile on your lips away, while you try to calm down your heartbeat. That's probably the sweetest thing you have ever read. But you would love to know who wrote this letter for you. Maybe your heart knows the answer already.


Like every day you are ready for the Maze to find a way out of this nightmare. At least someone tries to make your morning better. Under your running equipment you find a folded letter for you.

Beautiful girl,

I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you are the one that I love, and can't let you go. I can't promise to fix all of your problems, but I can promise you won't face them all alone. I'll be by your side until the day I die.

This entire letter sounds probably cheesy, but I just want to let you know how much I love you. I'm too afraid to be rejected, then I would tell you everything I wrote from face to face.

A boy in love

Suddenly your heart tries to jump out of your chest. Your face is almost brighter than the sun, while you put the letter into your pocket. It would give you the power you need to stay strong. The letter will help you through your darkest days.

The Maze Runner PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora