#3 You grave your name on the wall

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You carve your name on the wall


"What do you want me to show?", you ask the dark skinned boy interested. "You will see it, (Y/N)", Alby replies mysteriously. He couldn't wipe the slight smile on his lips away. "Come on, just a little clue!", you wouldn't give up until you know where you two are going.

"That's the surprise", the boy points at the big stone wall. Suddenly the smile on your lips faints away. You open your mouth to say something, but you don't know the right words. "Here", Alby holds out a knife for you to grab it, "You are one of us now so carve your name on the wall."

A brief moment you hesitate to take the knife. That's why he's always so carefully and worried. It has to be a terrible feeling to cross out one of the names on the wall. "Go on, (Y/N)", Alby snaps you out of your sad thoughts.

"Would you help me?", you ask a bit shy suddenly, while you give him your best smile. He puts his hand over yours and together you two carve your name on the wall. The silence between you isn't uncomfortable at all. "Looks good", Alby snaps you out of your thoughts again. "Yes, thank you."


"Can't you just tell me where are we going, Gally?", you ask a bit annoyed. He hasn't said a god damn word to you since he ripped you away from your work. "Just follow me, Greenie", the blond haired boy replies with the same annoyed tone like you. "(Y/N) not Greenie!", you wouldn't give up. Someday he will learn it.

The two of you continue your way towards one of the stone walls. "Wow", you exclaim mumbling and look at the names which are carved on the wall. "It's your turn now, Greenie. Take this knife", Gally says, but you don't listen to him. Slowly you run your fingers over the names.

Of course he doesn't need to explain why some of them are crossed out. "Greenie", he tries to get your attention. This time you don't even bother to correct him. Without a word you take the knife from his hand to crave your name on the wall.

"Do you need help?", Gally asks chuckling, when he sees how you struggle. "No! ... Maybe", you won't admit that you need some help. Especially from him. "Troublemaker", he sighs, but puts his hand over yours to help you. "Good, back to work, Greenie", you roll your eyes. "(Y/N) not Greenie, shuck face!"


"I thought you want to show me the Map room", you say to Minho who's heading directly to one of the stone walls. "There is something else you have to do first", he replies and points at the wall. Now you see all the names craved on the stone.

"Oh my god", you mumble and feel bad for the names which are crossed out. It's obviously what it means. Apart from this, you never met one of these boys. "Make it official that you are a Glader", Minho hands you a knife to crave your name on the wall. You feel a bit special to add your name to the others.

"Finally I can join the club!", you mumble to yourself as you start with your work. "Got your sass pants on today? Seems if you need a bit help", Minho puts his hand over yours without your permission. For the first time since you arrived in the Glade you don't take your chance to say something sassy.

The two of you look at your name on the wall. "Where did your sass go?", Minho teases you grinning. Not amused you cross your arms over your chest. "I hope karma slaps you in the face before I do", you reply. "There is your sass again. Come on, the Map room waits."


"Wait, Newt! I have to patch up Gally", you exclaim confused, but he drags you smiling towards the stone walls. "Clint or Jeff are going to take care of him. We have something else to do", his mysteriously words make you a little bit uncomfortable. What could be more important than your job?

After a few moments you know what he is talking about. "What is this?", you ask needlessly just to break the silence between the two of you. "All of us craved our names on the wall. You are also a Glader", Newt explains. Softly you run your fingertips over the names, but not over the crossed out ones. You understand what it means without an explanation.

"Are you alright?", he asks worried, because a sigh escapes your mouth. "Just a bit overwhelmed. Would you help me?", you turn around to look at Newt. A slight smile appears on his lips. "Sure. Next to my name is space for yours", he takes your hand in his and together you crave your name on the wall.

"Now the wall looks so much better", Newt says after you two are done. "Thank you", you reply smiling like him. "(Y/N)! We need you!", Clint interrupts this special moment with yelling for your help.


Without asking you follow Thomas to one of the stone walls. You trust him doubtless since he helped you out of the metal box on your first day. "Wow, that's beautiful and terrifying at the same time", you break the silence between the two of you. Carefully you put your hand on the wall to pay your respect to the crossed out names.

"You are a part of this big crazy family now. Here, take this", Thomas holds out his hand for you to grab the knife. "That's true. I got a whole group of brothers within one day", you say smiling, while you start to crave your name on the wall. Thomas scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. Brother, huh?

"Wait, I help you", he puts your hand over yours, because he notices how you struggle. The two of you lower your arms to look at your work. "It's official now. You are one of us", he gives you his best smile. You have a family now. A place where you belong. People by your side who care about you. Probably everything you need in your life.

"And you won't get rid of me easily", you reply sarcastically, "Let's go back."

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