Chapter 7

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Two or three hours later I woke up in my room. I saw an arm draped over my shoulder; it was Jace's: he had stayed with me to see if I was OK, and had fallen asleep. I turned over and moved Jace's arm and entwined his fingers with mine. I shuffled over to him and cuddled him and went back to sleep.

I had a strange dream where I saw my brother Thomas walking in the park in Idris all on his own, looking for someone. He turned to look at a statue, then someone walked up behind him and struck him on the back of the head. He fell unconscious and a familiar face filled my vision. Sebastian morgernstern.

I woke up gasping for breath and I quickly pushed myself up. Jace was next to me but he was no longer asleep. He pulled me towards him and held me, reassuring me, he whispered in my ear, "Everything's OK. I've got you, nothing bad will happen to you."

When I caught my breath, I let the name escape my lips: "Sebastian morgenstern."

Jace looked down at me and said, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"My brother was killed by him, I saw it." Jace just pulled me closer to him and started rocking me back and forth, trying to calm me down.

After a while, I walked downstairs and made myself a hot chocolate. I sat down at the table, trying to forget everything that I had just saw, but I couldn't get the image of Sebastian standing over my dead brother out of my head. I knew this wasn't just a dream. He had murdered my little brother in the park that night. I didn't want anyone to know except for me, and maybe Jace and Magnus, but I knew that I would have to tell the clave about this, otherwise they would give up on finding the culprit. But if I did tell them, there would probably be another war.

Clary walked through the door with Simon and got something to drink, then sat down at the table and started talking. "Well, I think that your party last night was amazing, Adelaide! It was seriously the party of the century! You even invited Magnus Bane!"

I nodded and took a sip of my hot chocolate, then said, "It was hard not to; he's my older brother and it was his idea for me to have a party in the first place." They both stared at me, surprised to hear me call Magnus my brother since he was so much older than me.

There was a long silence but then Simon said, "I like your necklace and your bracelet. Birthday presents?" I nodded, then walked out of the room. I couldn't tell Clary that her brother Sebastian had killed Thomas; I knew it would be too much for her.

I went up to the greenhouse and flicked open my phone. I had a message from Magnus saying:

'did you have a vision this morning?-m'

I replied, 'yeah I did why do you ask? -a'

A minute a later he replied.

'i had a bad feeling. do you have anything more specific?-m'

'yeah I know who killed our little brother it was sebastian morgernstern -a'

He didn't reply again. I closed my phone and looked out towards the pond and saw Alec sitting on the wall. I went over to him and sat down next to him. We sat in silence for a little while before he said, "Adelaide, have you ever wanted to tell someone a secret but can't because of what would happen if you did?"

I nodded. "You can tell me if you want to," I offered.

"Well, back in Idris when Sebastian and Valentine were fighting with Jace, I saw that Valentine wanted to kill both of them but he didn't so he let Sebastian kill Jace."

I didn't know what to say so instead I confessed my own secret. "Alec, I didn't want to tell anyone this, but I know you will keep it a secret. I know who killed my brother. I saw it in a dream. I can't say his name because I don't think anyone else in the institute should know. It could be really bad if they do."
He nodded.

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