Chapter 5

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I logged onto my laptop, and I saw that I had a email from my mother saying:

'Dear Adelaide

I am so sorry I didn't tell you about your brother sooner, but I was afraid that you might cancel your party tomorrow. Your brother wouldn't want you to do that, he would want you to have your party and have fun in remembrance of him. I hope you come and see me before your birthday party,

love, Mother xxx'

It was about 11 pm when someone knocked on my door. Isabelle entered and sat down next to me on my bed, then she grabbed my hands and placed them in hers, and said, "I know it's late and it's your birthday, but I wanted to tell you that I know it is hard right now with your brother and everything but it will get better, I promise. And because it's your birthday, I am going to take you shopping! My treat." I nodded then followed her out of the room.

Isabelle led me to a group of shops which were open late and started looking for dresses. I found the most beautiful black dress that looked amazing on me, so Izzy decided that it was the dress for me to wear for my birthday party the next day. Then Izzy handed me a box. I opened it and saw that it was a necklace just like the one she was wearing. "Your brother gave me this. He told me to give it to you for your birthday; he wanted you to have it." I started crying, then we went back to the institute to have a sleep before the party.

I woke up the next morning with a startle, and when my eyes came into focus I saw my younger sister hauling a massive trunk into my room. The name on the box was Thomas Bane; it was my brother's trunk from Idris. "Why did you bring our brother's trunk into my room?" I asked. She left the room without saying anything. It was almost 1 pm when I heard a knock at my door. I was reading a book in my bed; Jace walked through the door and sat down next to me. I drowsily snuggled up next to him and he planted a kiss on my cheek before saying, "Happy birthday, honey." I leaned up and gave him a kiss, and he handed me a light purple box carved with the initials 'T.B'. Thomas Bane. I opened the box and inside was a snake shaped bracelet. He slid it onto my wrist; it was a perfect fit. Jace held onto my hand as I went back to sleep.

Jace woke me up at 3 pm so I could get ready for my party, then he left to get changed himself. I texted Isabelle to see if she was willing to help me get ready and she sent back a reply saying OK. Isabelle immediately dashed into my room and started doing my hair and my make-up. When she had finished, I looked in the mirror and saw Jace staring at me through the door. Isabelle went to talk to Jace, and when I approached them out in the corridor, Jace turned to me and said, "Adelaide, you look gorgeous!" I blushed a little.

Isabelle went walking down the hall before us and Jace held me back and looked at me seriously and said, "Adelaide, everyday I fall in love with you over and over again, and I will never stop loving you." I felt myself starting to cry, but he hugged me and gave me a gentle kiss.

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