F I V E | Guess What? I Don't Care

Start from the beginning

"Was there a reason you grabbed me?" 

"Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine" She commented with the same smile plastered on her face. Someone should really warn her about me.

"Don't touch me again." I warned continuing to walk to my class, again where I was late.

"Calm down, I was just messing" she defended herself.

"Well don't" I said. She suddenly jumped in front of me making me freeze.

"I'm Tori" She introduced herself sticking out her hand, she had long dark brown hair with the the ends dipped red. She had high cheekbones and a body  boys would chase. She sported a leather jacket along with blue ripped denim shorts and a white tank top. I ignored her hand and walked around her.

"And I don't care" I dismissed.

"Oh come on, I saw what you did this morning" she continued, again causing me to stop in my tracks

"And what exactly did I do in the morning?" I asked urging her to continue.

"The way you talked to Dylan, yeah no ones talks to him like that" I rolled my eyes (I've been doing that a lot lately. Must be something in the water) and continued my walk to class.

"Well someone clearly should" I replied finally reaching my class. I walked in taking an empty seat ignoring the stares, while Tori followed me but apologised for her tardiness, using me as being a new student as an excuse.

"And I thought I finally got rid of you" I muttered under my breath as she sat next to me.

"I heard that"

"Congratulations. You have ears." I retorted.

The day passed by in a blur, while Tori bugged me every second of it, insisting we become friends. I don't do friends. I'm a lone wolf, and I'll like to keep it that way. Lunch came by quickly and Tori literally dragged me to the cafeteria to meet her other friend.

"There's another one of you?" I asked wide eyed.

"Your hilarious" was her awesome comeback. 

As we reached the cafeteria, we saw everyone huddled in a circle while a blonde was towering another girl who was covered in food.

"Next time watch where your going" she screeched. Damn, she sounded like a cat being dragged down the highway and trust me, it wasn't pretty.

"You bumped into me" The other girl screamed back at her. Seems like we have a fighter. I already like her.

"Seems like you haven't learnt your lesson" She smirked and grabbed a drink from the nearest table and poured it all over her.

"Oops. It slipped" she laughed.

One thing you should know about me is that I cannot stand bullying, so when I see it, I take action. My way. I grabbed a drink from a tray laying by a side table not looking at who it belongs to and made my way through the crowd towards the blondie. I tapped her on the shoulder catching her attention before emptying the can over her and discarding it onto the side.

Everyone at this point had their jaws hitting the ground, staring at me in disbelief. Guess I hurt a favourite. Guess what, I don't care.

"Oops, It slipped" I mimicked her words from earlier, blondie squealed gripping her hair sending me a glare, which had no effect on me what-so-ever.

"Do you know who I am?" She screamed.

"I don't care who you are"

"I can make your life hell" She threatened. 

"I've already been through hell and back, what difference could you make?" I asked rhetorically narrowing my eyes at her challenging. I saw her gulp making me smirk but she stood tall once again.

"If I. . .-"

"If I throw a stick will you go away?" I interrupted whatever she was going to say. Laughs blew out in the cafeteria while blondie turned red.

"Lets go Miranda" another girl said dragging Miranda away.

I look back at the girl who was still on the floor before walking off towards the vending machine and retrieving a drink and placing it on the tray I previously took the can from, that's when I realised the drink belonged to Zac.

Him and his entire group were scattered around a table at the centre of the cafeteria with a few other people.

"Thank the lord you got him his drink, the bastard was throwing a bitch fit" Blake muttered under his breath. I looked around to see everyone staring at me for a reaction, just as Dylan was about to open his mouth, I turned on my heels and left the cafeteria.


{A/N: Another update!!!! Can I get a whoop whooop! No? okay. Anywhoooo *Coughs Awkwardly*  I introduced Tori, how did you like her? To bubbly? How are you like the story so far? Too boring? Too fast? Let me know. Now please... 




Lots of love -  Me}

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