Cake thingies: imagine your otp

Start from the beginning

imagine: Person A is standing behind person B in line at an ice creamery on a particularly hot day. A is completely set on getting an chocolate ice cream, but when they reach the front of the line they find the last of the chocolate ice cream has been given to person B. A immediately decides to follow B and get the ice cream they wanted.

•imagine: imagine your otp laying on a couch together, with person A's head resting on person B's belly. just as person A is about to close their eyes and fall asleep, an enormous growl comes from the stomach of person B. After a few moments of staring at each other in shock, Person A breaks out in a fit of giggles while person B blushes in humiliation.

imagine: them taking care of each other when they're sick

imagine: getting in political debates in the shower together

imagine: arguing in the grocery store over captain crunches actual military rank

imagine: domestically drinking tea together while listening to the rain

imagine: cake going laser tagging with mashton at midnight

imagine: cake waking each other up with snuggles

imagine: cake telling each other bedtime stories when they can't sleep

imagine: one of them trying to have phone sex while the other is at work

imagine: imagine your otp dating in high school and they break up for some reason. Then, when they get to college, person A walks in to see person B unpacking and picture the awkward adorableness they realize they're dorm mates.

imagine: one being scared after admitting a kink of there's, and the other is supportive and tries it and kisses them through it.

imagine: cake growing up in a huge, strict, adoption home, and cuddling through the night is their only strength and hope to ever get out.

imagine: one getting home from work later than the other and stretching out on top of them like a big lazy cat while they sit on the couch in front of the tv.

(this one is is obvi cal bringing a dog jfc) imagine: one inexplicably bringing home an animal and refusing to drop it at the shelter so they and the other have to take care of it.

imagine: one sending memes to the other while they're at work so much they turn of their phone in exasperation

imagine: one giving the other their jacket and not getting it back from the other until it stops smelling like them.

imagine: them as kids or teens experimenting with each other, young and confused.

imagine: them coming out accidentally, scared at first, but then Calum shrugs and sticks his tongue in Luke's mouth.

imagine: Person A writing out tons of handwritten letters for Person B and hiding them around their apartment/house (in difficult places) before person A leaves to go on a tour/trip. When person B finally finds a note, they ask person A about it, but person A doesn't give much detail to where they've hidden the other letters. Person B is desperate to find the others, but person A suggests they shouldn't rush in funding the rest. Person B promises to Person A that they'll only search for a few minuets each day to slow down the process.

(Bonus: Once person B has truly found all the notes in their home, person A insists they missed one. When person A finally comes home, they give person B the 'lost/final letter.' What that latter days is up to you)

bonus: (a relevant question i forgot to add to yesterday's post) : but if your otp had a kid, which one would sneak that kid a cookie after the other patent said no.


Okay i am def doing a pt 2 of this one day bc WERENT THOSE CUTE AF


what was ur fav imagine??

i liked the last one, and first one :))

ily all,


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