Future Hearts

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So, i need ur guies' opinion on something.

I've always, always, always wanted to do an album based fic [for cake ofc] but no album ever seemed right enough for that.

I'm an band nerd, i collect CDs and vinyls i have to have them in my possession, like iTunes ain't always good enough yanno? So i know plenty of albums. But idk, i was just waiting for that perspective shifting album.

Then all time low came out with future hearts. Ohmergawd.

Okay, as fans we're used to all of their songs being like 1000000/10 but seriously. Future hearts is something I've needed for a long time. The whole album is just saying you're going to make it, you're not alone, and you're worth it and i love that.

People forget that not all songs need to be about the generic love. Love can be friendship, it can be hope. And not all cake related stuff has to be lovey dovey too so i want to challenge myself as a writer.

I'm going to make a future hearts album based cake fic. Do you guies think that's a good idea? It'd probably start when summer begins, so I'll have more time to update it.

Share your thoughts!

ily all,


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