Cake thingies: imagine your otp

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{I'm so annoying, omf, but these ideas jus keep flowing i aPoLoGiZ}

So i always see these memes or tumblr text posts that say 'imagine your otp...'

They're all really cute, and make me think of cake so i gathered a few and came up with a few of my own!

This isn't a 'game', per say, but feel free to say who'd be person A 0r B in the imagine, and to 'awwww' freely.

Les go!


DO NOT i repeat do NOT imagine your otp living together laughing and sliding across wooden floorboards in socks and crashing into each other then in the crash accidentally smashing lips and one half blushing and stammering while the other just shrugs, kisses them again, and slides off with the other looking all swoony behind them.


•imagine: lying in bed, foreheads pressed together, just gazing into each other's eyes and taking it all in. Everything is silent.

And then person A  suddenly sneezes and scares person B so badly that they fall out of bed.

imagine: Cake washing their dog on a Sunday afternoon and the dog does not like to be bathed. Person A tries to pin the animal down while person B washes it. The dog then jumps out of Person A's arms, which sends them splashing into the tub. Person B starts laughing, so person A drags them into the soapy water as well. The pair have a hard time getting out and keep sliding into each other while the dog merely watches from the other side of the bathroom. Bonus points if it leads to soapy kisses.

imagine: imagine person A of your otp  has an important or powerful position, with a special title or form of address, such as a military commander or a member of a nobility/royalty. Person B is of a lower class rank than person A, and people sometimes assume this means person B is a subordinate with A too. Now imagine person B teasingly referring to Person A by their title as they completely dominate A in the bedroom.

imagine: 'why does no one tell me if we have people over, i just walked downstairs wearing a 'say hey if you're gay' T-shirt and batman boxers. We had 8 people over. They saw.'

'Did any of them say hey?'
-imagine your otp.

•imagine: person A being a big-hit movie star and person B being an assistant that works for them. Person A falls for Person B, but person B is so oblivious.

imagine: Calum and Luke made a promise to each other at age 18 the night before they graduated, drunk as hell, that if they were single by the time they were 30, they'd get married. After not seeing each other in decades, they're 29, single, and reunite, remembering their promise.


•imagine: imagine your otp inside their house and it's raining really hard. They're just cuddling and watching T.V. Until person A falls asleep and carries person B into their room and falls asleep with them.

imagine: one making awful breakfast for the other, and the other eating it because they appreciate it that much.

imagine: one putting their ridiculous music on in the car and singing along while the other sits in the passengers seat with their head in their hands.

imagine: the two of them going down to the beach and one getting sunburned really badly so the other slathers them with aloe gel when they get home.

imagine: imagine person A of your otp is trying to get their baby to eat some type of baby food. Said baby won't until person A ends up trying the food themselves, while person B is laughing sympathetically in the background.

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