•|Chapter 30|•

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*warning: language;) you were warned. I mean wouldn't you if you were falling through the sky without a parachute?:)*

"fuck fuck fuck fuck." the words started to slip out of my mouth before I could even realize it. Every moment I wasted got me closer and closer to the ground.

"SHIT MARK!" I screamed

He was too busy trying to find his loop that he hadn't seen my backpack incident. His eyes rose up to take in my circumstance. He didn't even hesitate motioning with his arms for me to fly towards him. I tried my best and used almost a swimming-like tactic to reach him. I bailed on my parachute all together and clung to him. He tightly embraced me so that my back was into his chest. I looped my arms through his backpack straps and bent my arms so the jolt from the parachute didn't take the bag from me a second time. Mark needed his arms to guide the parachute, so he crossed his legs over my body and locked his ankles.

He then finally managed to tug his loop. The parachute escaped from the bag and unfolded into the air. The movement from the parachute caused my arms to-once again- fly out of the straps. A searing pain ripped through my right shoulder causing me to scream in pain. Luckily Mark's legs kept me dangling. I mustered up my strength and pushed myself back up against his chest as we started to switch to an upright position.

This process happened in less than a minute. Mark flexed his feet, so I could stand on them while fitting my arms back into the straps with Marks. My arm was numb as I tried my best to grip onto the bag.

"My arm." I winced as I took in a painful breath.

"You're alive." He let out a nervous chuckle and planted a kiss on the back of my head. "Thank God you're alive. I got you." he mumbled into my hair.

I momentarily smiled at his small gesture before the pain in my arm proved too high for me to bear.

"You saved my life." I muttered through clenched teeth as my arm hung limply from behind the strap.

Mark was trembling. I was also, but I wasn't sure if I was trembling myself or if Mark's body stuck to mine made me vibrate as well. I was scared half to death, but the last thing that I was going to do was try to move. We coasted over large cliffs and a plentiful amount of trees before we spotted the safety team. They were the size of ants, but as I squinted my eyes I saw they had a gurney up and ready. They must've saw my situation.

The pain in my arm was starting to pulsate through my body sending a painful pounding through my head.

"Mark my arm, it hurts." I whispered, trying not to let the sun in my eyes so my headache wouldn't get worse.

"Yeah? It doesn't look too hot. How you feeling?"

"Woozy." I no longer had to force my eyes shut, the action was now involuntary.

"We're almost there. Hang tight." his words became the sound of white noise along with all the other noises around me.

I bobbed in and out of consciousness. Mark legs only squeezed tighter and tighter around my body. I finally felt an overwhelming urge to sleep, so I did.

"That was insane. Way to use quick thinking." It was a voice that sounded slightly familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint who it was.

I was laying on my back with an oxygen mask over my face and a large hand in mine. Mark. We were moving at a reasonable speed, so I was guessing we were in an ambulance. My good arm was slightly sore which led me to the conclusion of an IV. The other arm was torturing me by sending short brutal bursts of pain throughout my body. Numb, pain. Numb, pain. I clenched my teeth every single time.

"She's looking good, everything looks fine."

I turned my head and opened my eyes to find a middle-aged man examining the screens in the ambulance.

"Hey! (Y/n) how you doing?" Mark said when he saw my movement.

"I'm doing fine. It's just my arm."

"Yeah. I can see why that might hurt." the doctor interjected.

"I can tell from just moving your arm and looking at it that it's dislocated, and your shoulder bone is shattered." he continued.

I tried my best to sit up, but my efforts failed when Mark gently pushed me back down.

"Easy, easy."

"It's just my arm, I'm ok." I tried again sitting in an upright position and swinging my legs over the gurney.

"Wouldn't recommend it sweetie. Best to just lay down. That way there's nothing pulling on your arm."

Mark placed his hand on the back of my head and lowered me back onto the cot.

"Ok Trooper, listen to the man. He knows what he's doing." He teased

"We're about fifteen minutes away, Can I take a closer look at your shoulder?" he asked.

I nodded in his direction.


He fiddled with a pair of surgical scissors before using them to cut off my sleeve. This process hurt like hell, sending a constant burning feeling into my collarbone.

"Damn. Your shoulder isn't even a shoulder anymore!" Mark said in astonishment.

The injury was once again starting to get to me. I smiled weakly in Mark's direction as the overwhelming pain pressed into my head. My head rolled to the side and my vision turned blurry and dark. I gnawed on my cheek and felt my senses start to fade. My surroundings dissipated as I fell out of consciousness yet again.

"Me. Fischbach! She's fine!"


"Internal bleeding..."


I shifted in and out of consciousness, only catching bits and pieces of  the conversation.

"Bullshit! She's not fine. Internal bleeding doesn't sound fine to me." Mark snapped

"Mr. Fischbach, by fine I meant she is  going to live. She's not in critical danger." 

There was a long pause and an exaggerated sigh.

"Well okay, that's that. When's the surgery?"

"The earliest time we can get her is in about four hours."

I heard footsteps and the door opened revealing a quite stressed looking Mark.

"Hey. You're awake. How do you feel?"

"Numb." I weakly smiled.

"No pain?"

"As of right now, no."

"That's great." he said quietly as he placed himself next to me on the hospital bed.

"I wanted to talk to yo-" he started but was interrupted by the doctor from the ambulance.

"Ms. (last name)?"

I nodded my head toward the doctor before stated that he was correct, I was the person he was asking for.

"Alright here's the plan...

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