•|Chapter 28|•

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*hiya! sooo I have some news. I've been really busy lately and I haven't had time to write, so this story will no longer be updated every other day:( I'm sorry! it's kind of a lot to keep up with. I'm still keeping up with the story (working through some writers block) but I think I'm gonna stick to posting every Wednesday and Saturday...

that's all. here's a chapter for ya:)*

"Tomorrow's Saturday, right?" I called down the hallway to Mark who was in the living room.

"Yeah!" He yelled back.

I quickly finished pulling on my pajama shorts and tank top, styling my hair into a sloppy bun before joining mark on the couch.

"I might actually miss having you around." I teased, pulling my legs up so I was sitting criss-cross.

"Really?" He browsed my face with a concerned look.

"Of course. I don't hate you for what you did." My gaze was fixed on the television when Mark sat up from his spot. "I've told you that."

He didn't reply, just sat with a large smile.

"What, Mark? That's creepy." I giggled.

Before I could even set my mind straight he plunged in for a hug, gripping me tightly in his arms. I practically melted into the hug, realizing how much I missed his warmth.

"Do I really have to go?" He whined

"I was thinking the same thing." I muffled into his shirt.

He continued to squeeze me tighter and tighter, pulling me off the couch and swinging me around the room.

"Mark!!" I yelled and wrapped my legs around his hips, my head still resting on his shoulder.

He kept spinning and spinning until his body started to wobble from dizziness.

"Mark stop - you're gonna fall!" I giggled, pressing my head harder into his neck.

My hands went up underneath his armpits and gripped tightly into the back of his shirt. His body started to lean a little to far forward for my comfort.

"If you're gonna fall, fall backwards not on me!" I squealed.

I unlocked my legs from around his waist and stood up carefully. Mark then tried to reach his hand out for the fireplace, but missed miserably and toppled over onto the floor. I tried but failed to keep in my laughter. I ended up collapsing onto my knees next to him with my hand over my stomach, practically wheezing. Mark groaned and rolled over, a smile plastered onto his face.

"Oh my God Mark!" I screamed

A small cut had appeared above his eyebrow and had started to bleed rapidly.
He gently grazed his fingers over the cut and brought them back down to his eyes. He quickly examined it before sitting up.

"Oh shoot." He whispered

I scrambled from the floor and ran into my bathroom where I placed the first aid kit. I dashed back out and was met with Mark pressing his hand to his head to try and stop the bleeding.

"Of course you had to fall." I giggled as I pushed a piece of gauze against his forehead.

His lips were pulled in a tight grin and he looked like he was about to burst out laughing. I couldn't help myself but laugh also as I cleaned the cut. I was deeply focused on repairing his wound, cleaning it, adding Neosporin, and finally securing a piece of gauze to the cut and taping it above his eyebrow. I sat back and examined my work.

"You're so dumb." I teased and giggled slightly.

"Shut up nurse. I know what I'm doing." He replied with a smile.

"You may have known what you were doing, but you didn't do it right."

"Oh so now there's a wrong and right way to fall on your face?" He playfully argued.

"Yes. And you did it wrong. Good job." I congratulated him and walked into the kitchen.

I was feeling a little hungry so I threw some popcorn in the microwave.

"We watching a movie?" Mark asked

"We can. I was just making popcorn." I stated, fumbling around with the steaming hot bag.

After I poured the popcorn into a bowl, I walked back out into the living room.

"Awesome, thanks." Mark said as he grabbed the entire bowl from my hands.

"Woah, whaddya think you're doing?" I reached over my shoulder and grabbed a blanket that was draped over the side of the couch. I tucked myself into the blanket and snuggled my head down into its warm softness.

"You thinking about sharing?" He asked, mentioning to the blanket.

"Only if you're gonna share that popcorn." I smirked and moved my hand slowly towards the bowl.


He quickly snatched the blanket from tucked underneath my legs and scooted closer next to me. I casually laid my head against his chest while munching on some popcorn.


*Mark's P.O.V*

I awoke to a smiling (y/n) lightly rubbing her hand down my arm.

"Good morning sleepy head." she said in a sing-songy voice.

"Wh-what time is it?"

"Doesn't matter. Up, up." she demanded.

Once I had finally rubbed the sleep out of my eyes I sat up and took in (y/n)'s presence. She was wearing a black tank top and tight pink workout leggings. Her back faced me as she walked into the kitchen. Her hair, tied tightly into a ponytail on the top of her head.

"You wanted to run. Let's go! Get up!"

I immediately groaned when I realized what I had gotten myself into. "I didn't say I wanted to run." I whined.

"Oops. Well you're already up so might as well."



"Don't make me." I pleaded.

"Fine I won't."

She walked into the room with a blender bottle full of God knows what. It looked disgusting. I threw myself back down on the couch.

"Why do I keep falling asleep on this couch?" I mumbled to myself

"I'm gonna go if..." she started to side step to the door with a questioning look on her face.

"I'll go." I groaned

"Awesome!" she smiled

"Not really."

"Oh it'll be fun." she laughed and nudged my shoulder.

"Yes because running long distances is enjoyable." I retorted

"We won't run far since you're a newbie." she teased

"Pshht you're acting like I never work out." I stated as I walked back to the room to change.

"Well you can't just get up and run 3 miles. That's why we're running two." she hollered cheerfully from the hallway.

I sluggishly pulled on some basketball shorts and a cutoff that I had packed for pajamas. It took me a second, but I finally managed to build up enough strength to walk out the door.

"It's nice to have a running buddy." she smiled as we shuffled down the apartment steps.

"Don't expect this to be a normal thing." I muttered

"Oh is someone being a "Grumpy Wumpus"?" she laughed, moving her fingers as she said it.

A small smile crept onto my lips as we started slowly jogging down the busy street.

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