•|Chapter 23|•

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"I came back for you. I made a mistake, by doing what I did. I shouldn't of done it, I should've just waited." He murmured

I sighed, contemplating what to say next. My heart wanted to accept and cuddle into his arms and watch a movie, like we used too. But I knew better. I gently rose to my feet.

"Mark, I'm sorry for being the reason behind your pain-"

"It was my own fault." He interrupted

"But you do know that's it's going to take a little time for me to trust you again. I hope you found patience inside yourself, because if you truly care about me like you say you do, you're going to have to wait."

He stood up and firmly took ahold of my forearms. "I can do that. And I will do that. Take all the time you need, I won't go anywhere. Not this time."

I smiled at his new found excited-ness and slowly backed from his grasp, glancing at the floor. I found myself walking over to the many bags of decorating materials that were still haphazardly sprawled out on the counter and floor.

"What is all that?" Mark asked

"Stuff for the apartment. Want to help me hang some things?" I casually asked, plucking through frames and lights.

"I'd love to."

I filled my arms with the pictures and lights I wished to hang in my room. Mark followed behind me with a hammer in one hand and some tacks in the other. It was about mid afternoon so the sun was streaming directly into my window. I stepped into the light and felt the warm wood underneath my toes. Mark slipped off his shoes and walked up onto my bed.

"So what's going where?" He asked, pushing himself on his tippy toes to reach up for the high ceiling.

I giggled at his failed efforts and walked up on my bed next to him, dropping all my posters and such on the bed.

"I have no idea."

"Let's start with the lights."

"I can't decide if I want them draped around my headboard or if I want them around the edges of the ceiling." I pondered out loud.

"It's your decision." 

Mark's P.O.V

After finally adding the final touches to (y/n)'s room, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" (Y/n) jumped up, the sound of her feet pitter-pattering on the wood filled my ears.

I chuckled as I fell back onto her bed with a loud sigh. My eyes stared at the plain ceiling when I heard a male voice muffled from the living area. Curiously, I walked out of her room to find Abel at the front door. (Y/n) had the door wide open and was standing by it, her hand toying with the doorknob. Abel's body was up against the door frame. His eyes glanced up and down her body, his mouth pulled into a sly grin. I felt my face turn hot as my blood started to boil in jealousy.

Abel's eyes wandered over to meet mine and he smiled. This caused (y/n) to whip her head around also, her cheeks a light pink.

"Hey Mark! It's good to see ya!" He said cheerfully, walking in the door to greet me.

"Hey Abel." I practically growled.

I saw (y/n) look at the floor and close the door behind him.

"So what've you two been doing all day?" He asked

"We've been hanging decorations and such. We haven't even started in the other room, maybe you could help us out?" (Y/n) offered, being the nice person she was.

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