

I pulled up in front of the address Smoke gave me, and my heart nearly stopped. How could I not know that he would bring me back to the place where it all began? The place where my father got his start in this crazy ass life we're caught up in. This house held so many memories, and it honestly shocked me to see that it was still abandoned.

I slowly climbed out of the car, and said another quick prayer before approaching the front door. I honestly didn't know what to expect once I stepped foot into that house, but I made up in my mind that I wasn't leaving here without my son. And even if I didn't make it out of here alive, it would be my mission to see that he did.

Thinking quickly on my feet, I decided not to use the front entrance. I slowly crept around to the back of the house to see if I could get a good look inside any of the windows. The first two were a bust, but once I got to the third window toward the back of the house, I could see CJ handcuffed to a bed. My heart instantly began palpilating and I bit my lip to keep my emotions in check. I was here to save my son, not cry.

I looked around on the ground near the window looking for anything that I could to break the window. I knew it was risky, but I figured if I could catch Smoke off guard my chances of escaping were a lot greater. I located a loose brick lying on the ground and picked it up. I took my shirt off and wrapped it around the brick.

I lightly tapped window to get CJ's attention. When his little curly head finally turned toward me I lifted my finger to lips. Hopefully he got the picture and didn't scream as the glass shattered. I quickly smashed the window and dropped the brick from inside the shirt. I rewrapped the shirt around my forearm and used it to clear out the jagged edges of the glass. Without giving it a second thought I hopped through the window and over to CJ's bed.

I wrapped his little body in my arms and kissed him all over.

"Oh my baby! Mama's here baby, I'm so glad you're okay." I squeezed him tighter. Tears began relentlessly pouring from my eyes. I was so happy to be holding my baby back in my arms.

"Mommy," CJ whispered.

I kissed his forehead and shh'd him. "It's okay baby, we're gonna get out of here I promise. Are you hurt?" He shook his head and pointed behind him.

I turned around only to be met my Smoke's flying hand. He slapped me back onto the bed causing me to scream and hold my burning cheek.

"You really thought you was just gone break in here and snatch the kid? F*ck no, you know me better than that!" he yelled.

I scurried over in front of CJ's body so Smoke couldn't cause him any harm.

"No Smoke, I didn't think it would be that easy. Don't hurt him Chrestano, he's just a kid...your kid." I pleaded.

"So you say."

That got my blood boiling. "Don't you dare deny my son you sick piece of shit!" I screamed slapping him. I don't know what came over me but I refused to sit back and let him talk shit about me or my child. He was about to feel my wrath.

He wrapped his hands around my hair and yanked me down to the floor. I was in a world of pain but I refused to show it. I could hear CJ's cries and screams from behind me, but I couldn't turn my head.

"You lost your f*cking mind b*tch. You wanna be tough? You wanna be bad? I'll make you bad." He then began sending blow after blow to my stomach. I did my best to block each hit but he was definitely bigger and stronger than me.

"Daddy pwease stawp! You hurt mommy, pwease stawp hurtin' mommy!" Cj screamed to the top of his lungs. It killed me to know my son was watching me get beat within an inch of my life by his sadistic father. If all the things I'd done to him in the past didn't scar him for life, I knew this would.

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