Vamp~ Chapter 22

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"You know avoiding everyone and staying huddled up in this room like a bear isn't going to solve your problem Jaguar." A very worried Charlie sighed at a very worried Lauren.

It's been 3 days since Camila told her the news that Ms Lamik might be out for her. Those 3 days have been spent huddled up in her room, not talking to anyone other than Charlie. And even those conversations last a minimum of a couple of words. Camila tried coming in multiple times but every attempt failed being as Charlie was commanded to be the body guard of Lauren's door.

"Jush whet mwe be Charwe." Lauren mumbled from underneath her pillow, her muffled words barley understandable.

"You are getting out of this bed today missy whether you like it or not." Charlie huffed. In a split second the blankets covering Lauren's body were ripped off of her.

"Charlie you don't understand," She hissed. "Now give me my blankets back."

"Do you think hiding in your room from Miss Lamik is gonna keep her from finding you? She knows everyone's room numbers you know." The blue eyed boy sassed back, holding the blankets out of Lauren's reach.

"Well if she doesn't see me how can she try and hurt me,"

"If the head mistress wanted to hurt you she would've done it already. I think you're just being a tad bit over dramatic Lo. Now come on, let's go see Camila." In one swift movement Lauren was removed from the bed and hoisted behind Charlies back.

"Char put me down right this second!" Lauren whisper yelled as they hovered their way down the long hallway. A few occupants passing by saw the odd sight, making Lauren even more embarrassed.

"Nothing to see here, just a very angry Latina on an incredibly handsome fellas back, move along now." The blue eyed boy laughed as he eyed down the other vampires starring at them.

"I swear to god I'm going to strangle you when you put me down." Lauren husked through gritted teeth. Soon enough she was lugged back down to her feet, her hair and her shirt all messed up.

"We have arrived at your destination," Charlie said in a GPS voice impression. Lauren turned to face the door she was standing in front of. The familiar door numbers made her heart speed up a bit. It was Camilas door.

"Charlie I can't just-"

Before Lauren could finish Charlie had already done the deed of knocking on the door and was now power walking his way down the hallway. "Thank you for flying with Charlie South airlines!" He shouted back, making sure to give a sly wave and a wink.

"I'm going to kill that boy one of these days." Lauren hissed to herself.

The red door infront of her swung open abruptly, revealing Camila clad in a large flannel and and some large white socks. Her hair was tied up and her eyes seemed glossy, almost as if she has been crying. The sight made Laurens heart sink. Was she crying because of her? "Lauren? What are you doing here?" Camila sniffled as she wiped at her eyes a bit.

"H-hi I came to uh see you... well Charlie kinda dragged me out, well actually he flew me out but that's not the poi-"

"You're rambling Lauren," Camila laughed softly as she leaned against her door frame. " Do you wanna come in?"

"Sure- I mean yes- I mean yes please- I mean yes sure please." Lauren choked out. Running a hand through her hair she stepped through the door way and into the dimly lit room.

Camila closed the door behind her and jogged over to the TV to turn it off before sitting next to Lauren on the edge of the bed. "So how have you been doing?" Camila asked awkwardly, biting her bottom lip. Lauren took this as a bad sign. They were awkward now, how lovely. Always taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back .

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