Vamp~ Chapter 16

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"Kiss me." Camila said just above a whisper , biting her lip as she gazed down at Laurens.

"W-what?" Lauren was caught off guard with the request , never thinking those two words would ever come out of her mouth.

"I said kiss me." Camil repeated as she started to scoot closer and closer to Lauren.

"But I thought-" Lauren was cut off by Camilas finger being placed on her lips.

"Shhhh. Just kiss me." Camila was now inches away from Lauren face. Her eyes staring deeply into Laurens. The faint outline of purple was visible even through the contacts , causing Camila to blush at the sight.

Before Lauren could protest again, she felt Camilas lips on hers. The dark haired girls eyes fluttered to a close and her heart was now nearly beating out of her chest. It was a soft and slow kiss. A kind of kiss that made Lauren feel and feeling she wished she could bottle up in a jar and keep forever. It was way more than what Lauren expected when she imagined her lips on Camilas in the store , and this new sensation of Camilas soft lips on her own made her head reel.

The green eyed girl then gained a surge of courage and cupped Camilas cheek , brushing the delicate skin with her thumb. Their movements became synchronized and slowly began to pick up a pace but still maintaining a slow and sensual rhythm. Camila sucked on Laurens bottom causing the dark haired girl to let out a small moan from the back of her throat unexpectedly. Camila brought her hand around to cup the back of Laurens neck , bringing the two girls even more closer.

Finally running out of breath, the two girls pulled away , panting. Camila rested her forehead on Laurens and smiled widely , Lauren reciprocating the smile twice as wide.

"Wow." Camila breathed out , holding onto Laurens shoulder.

"Wow indeed." Lauren chuckled while still brushing her thumb across Camilas cheek. Lauren felt her stomach flutter with butterflies and she was sure that if Camila was reading her mind right now , it would be filled with thoughts of adoration.

"That was impressive guys. I give that a 10 outta 10." A loudly clapping Charlie laughed from inside the doorway. Camila nearly fell off the bed and Lauren almost jumped out of her chair due to the sudden scare. Both of there  foreheads running into one another.

"Charlie! I-I thought you were getting a blood bag!" Lauren shouted as she clutched her forehead and a crimson blush seeped onto her cheeks. She looked over at Camila who was now hiding under the covers in embarrassment.

"I was and I did. But I can go back and pretend to get another one if you guys wanna continue sucking each other's faces." The blue eyed boy teased. Lauren chucked a small pillow in his direction but missed her target by a lot.

"Nice aim Jaguar , that half way , almost came to kind of hitting me." Charlie laughed as Lauren shot him a death glare. The blonde haired boy made his way over to the two girls and began setting up the new blood bag.

Camila giggled from under the covers and slowly lifted her head from them , only her eyes being visible.

"Oh and smooth moves Sleeping Beauty. I'm verrrry impressed." The blonde haired boy winked down at the blushing Camila.

"I'm trying to read your mind right now , but I'm coming up with nothing. You're just as air headed as Lauren said." Camila teased giggling again and hiding herself back under the covers. She felt more comfortable being friendly with him now that's shes seen the banter between him and Lauren , so she knew he wouldn't take it to heart.

Lauren was clutching her stomach from laughing so hard and Charlie shook his head in defeat. "That was good Sleeping Beauty I'll give you that." He chuckled , waving his finger at the smaller girl who was now taking the covers off her face and upper torso.

" Ohhhh Charlie you just got burn-" Lauren started but was soon cut off by a loud knock on the bedroom door. 

Charlie flashed a look of confusion to Lauren and she flashed one right back. The blonde haired boy shrugged and made his way over to the door , opening it slowly to reveal a familiar older lady.

"Miss Lamik? What brings you here in this lovely evening? By the way you look ravishing as ever." Charlie smiled , sarcasm etched in his tone.

"Where is she?" The grey haired woman snapped , her hands clutched tightly infront of her stomach.

"I- I have no clue what you're talking about."

"The girl. Where is she!" Miss Lamik then pushed past Charlie and into the room , her heels clicking with each step she took. Once she caught sight of the both girls , her mouth turned up in a scowl.

Lauren and Camila sat frozen , too afraid to muster up any words to the intimidating head mistress. The women glared at Camila , her grey blue eyes shooting daggers in her brown ones. Camila gulped , her heart pounding in her chest. She of course had no clue who this woman was , and she was for certain she didn't want to know. Almost as if Lauren was reading her mind , the dark haired girl placed a hand on top of Camilas , rubbing her thumb across it soothingly. The gesture instantly calming Camila down.

"Well would you look what we have here." The head mistress said coldly.

"Why are you even here?" A nervous Charlie said through gritted teeth while stepping forward and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me boy!" Before Charlie could say anything more , Miss Lamik pointed her finger in his direction and then to the other side of the room , his body following in the line her finger directed until he was sat on the ground , unable to move a muscle due to the head mistresses telekinesis power holding him down.

"Boys!," The older woman snapped her fingers towards the doorway. Two muscular men in suits came walking into the room , pausing once they reached Miss Lamik. "We've found the girl...You know what to do." She instructed to the men while swiftly turning on her heel and walking out the door.

Lauren stood up to protest but one of the men already had her arms tightly locked behind her while the other bald headed man grabbed Camila by the arm and dragged her out of the bed , the smaller girl wincing in pain.

"HEY! DONT TOUCH HER LIKE THAT!" Lauren shouted but her mouth was soon covered by a strong hand. She tried kicking and shoving him away but it was no use , he was too strong.

"Lauren!" Camila shouted as she was dragged across the room and then soon disappearing into the hallway. "Lauren help!"

"Cameewa!" Lauren mumbled inaudibly from under the mans hand. She kicked and wiggled even more but it only made his grip stronger.

"Lauren just let her go!" A stiff Charlie shouted from the floor , his eyes pleading for her to stop protesting.

The man released Lauren from his hold and pushed her back on the bed with a large force , her head hitting the wall with a thud. He took a few steps to the open door frame before slamming it as he left , nearly knocking off every picture frame hung on the wall.

"What in the fuck just happened!"

Dun dun dunnnnn!!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter filled with some camren lip locking , pillow throwing , and slight kidnapping.

Thank you for reading babes💕  Hope you have a wonderful night/day!
(Oh and that picture up there is what the vamp mansion looks like. I just thought I'd give you guys a setting visual!)

Follow ma twitta: @scorinlauren

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