Vamp~Chapter 17

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"Sit here and shut up." The bald headed man spat as he dragged Camila into a dimly lit room with only one chair and a small metal table.

Camila was swiftly slammed down onto the cold metal chair , wincing as her bottom came crashing down on the seat. The man then eased his grip on her arm and soon let go entirely before leaving the room with a loud slam of the door. Camila took a sigh of relief once she was certain he was gone and put her head in her hands on the table. She needed a second to think.

Things were moving fast. Way too fast for her liking. She'd just been in her bedroom , kissing Lauren (which was a move that was maybe too fast as well, but there were no regrets on her part.) , to now sitting on a cold chair in an even colder room with a half empty blood bag tapped to her arm. Things just weren't working in her favor , and to top everything off , her headache was even more noticeable now that she was in this dark room all by herself. Well at least that's what she thought.

"Camila..." A stern voice basically growled from a dark corner of the room. Camila snapped her head up and squinted her eyes to try and make out who the figure was , but every time she tried to focus hard enough her head would throb in even more pain and her vision would get blurry.

The sound of high heels clacking got closer and closer until Camila could make out the figure. It was the grey haired lady who just was in her bedroom. Ms. Lambchop or something , she couldn't put a finger on the name.

The lady walked at a snails pace over to the table , both her hands clasped behind her back and an expressionless face plastered on her wrinkly features. Camila gulped and placed her hands in her lap , looking down at them to advert her gaze from the grey daggers shooting into her glossy brown eyes.

"I'm sure you're wondering why your here? Am I correct?" The grey eyed woman asked flatly as she slowly rounded the table and stood behind Camila. Camila could feel her heart rate sky rocket once the lady placed a frigid hand on her shoulder.

"Uh yea, I'm kinda confused as to why I was just ripped out from my bed a couple minutes ago... If you don't mind by me asking." Camila said through gritted teeth. Of course she wanted to know why she was here! What kind of question was that? Was this lady stupid or something?

"Well I'm here to tell you exactly why, but first I should tell you who I am first, shouldn't I?..." The stern woman then walked to the other side of the table and pointed her finger to the corner. A chair came scrapping across the floor until it reached where the lady stood and all the grey haired woman had to do was sit down , in which she did and quite eloquently too. Camila sat there in awe , her mouth hanging open at what she just witnessed.

"...I'm Ms. Lamik. Head of this vampire mansion and president of the Vampires of Miami Association, all big things Camila, so I would watch the way you talk to me from now on , are we clear?" Ms.Lamik kinked a pencil drawn eyebrow up at Camila and the younger girl nodded her head in agreement. "Good. So now that we have that out of the way, let's move on to the important stuff shall we?"

"You were bitten by someone in this mansion weren't you? Perhaps someone by the name of...Lauren Jauregui?" Ms.Lamik quickly said , obviously not wasting anytime with getting to the important stuff.

Camilas eyes flew open at the mention of the black haired girls name. Was Lauren in trouble because of her? Camila didn't really know much about the green eyed beauty but she knew she felt something for her , especially after that kiss , so she couldn't jeopardize Laurens safety. She had no choice but to lie.

"I-I don't remember. Everything from the night I was bitten is a complete blur." Camila said just above a whisper. She looked at the older lady to see what her reaction to her lie was. She looked like she believed her.

"Hmmm, is that the honest truth Camila?" Camila nodded her head up and down quickly and crossed her arms over her chest , the cold air chilling her bones.

Ms.Lamik stared her down , her ice cold eyes locking on Camilas gaze like a snake to its prey. If only Camila could figure out what it was that the head mistress was thinking... oh wait , she could.

Internally chuckling to herself for forgetting all about her vampire power, Camila concentrated on a spot on Ms.Lamiks forehead and began to stare intently at it , hoping that a thought that wasn't her own would pop up in her head.

Maybe we can just beat the answer out of the other girl. This one is obviously lying to me.

Camila gasped and nearly fell off the chair once she heard the voice of Ms.Lamik echo her brain. She flung her hand up to her mouth and her eyes grew wide. She was gonna beat Lauren? What kind of place is this?

Ms.Lamik shot up from her chair and swiftly went over to Camila , grabbing the collar of her shirt in her bony hands and glaring down at the younger girl beneath her.

"A mind reader huh? Tell me Camila what is it you heard me think? C'mon tell me what I thought!" Ms.Lamik spat.

"H-how did you know I was readi-"

"You thought you were so sly missy , trying to read my mind? Nobody's powers work on me... But yours did. Now why is that?" The grey eyed woman said with sarcasm drenched in her tone.

Scared and confused , Camila felt tears brimming in her eyes. She just wanted to go back to Lauren and Charlie , not be interrogated like some criminal.

"I don't know! I-I don't know anything okay?!" Camila whimpered as she held her hands up in surrender.

"Well I happen to know the answer..." Ms.Lamik said matter of factly as she let go of Camilas shirt and stepped away from the trembling girl. "You're a pure."

Camilas eyes knitted together in confusion and she ran a shaking hand through her slightly knotty hair. What in the hell is a pure? "A what?"

"A pure , Nobody's powers work on you and your power can work on even supreme vampires like myself. There's something rare in your blood stream that makes you different then the rest of us Camila. I've only seen this kind of thing a handful of times...You're rare." Ms.Lamik flattened her shirt down and clasped her hands infront of her , straightening her posture.

Camila sat with her mouth gaping. A what? First she was a vampire and now she's some sort of special vampire? Things just kept adding up on her list of problems and she could barely keep track of things that were wrong with her.

Before Camila could reply , Ms. Lamik started walking towards the dark side of the room where she came in from , her high heels making a clicking noise with every step.

"I'll be seeing you later Camila...our little chat isn't over yet." Miss Lamik said flatly, not even turning around to face Camila even for a second.

The sound of a door opening and closing signaled Camila that it was finally time for her to get the hell out of there. She needed to find Lauren so she booked it out of the chair, almost knocking it over in the process (not that she really cared about the well being of the chair anyways). She ran out the door and into the hallway of the mansion , sprinting down the velvet carpeted floor until she reached her new "room". The out of breath brunette busted through her door , the hard wooden frame hitting against something that felt like a person...or 3 people actually. Camilas eyes flew wide at the sight of her 3 best friends standing in the middle of her room, almost as pale as she was.
Sorry that it took so long for me to update... It's just been really hard for me to figure out where I want to take this story because Im basically just confusing myself on what I want and what I don't want to be put in this storyline , but I promise you I'll try and update sooner! Alsoooo THANK YOU FOR 1k reads! ITS HONESTLY WICKED COOL TO SEE THAT!

Anyways hope you all have a wonderful day/ night 💕

-fifth anarchy

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