Vamp~ Chapter 21

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The night was rough. After the two girls got back to the mansion they each went their separate ways. Camila going into her room, and Lauren going into hers. They weren't mad at each other. Just confused.

8:03 is the time that read on the digital clock next to her bed, the brown eyed girl probably wouldn't be asleep at this hour. In a huff, Lauren got out of her bed and into the hallway. She bit the cuticle of her nail until she reached the door number 24. Tapping her foot from nerves she debated on knocking. Should she do this? Was Camila already asleep. Would Camila even talk to her or did she hate her already? This was all too much.

Before she got to pick an answer the wooden door swung open, revealing a messy bunned Camila. The brown haired girl looked startled at first but then her featured changed into a more confused look. She had on a navy blue tank top and Christmas pajama bottoms, the sight made Laurens heart swell.

"H-Hi Lauren?" Camila kinked up an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest, obviously hostile.

"Hey uh fancy seeing you here am I right?" Lauren nervously chuckled.

"It's my room," The brown eyed girl laughed sarcastically, mimicking the same thing Lauren said when she was caught in her room. "Have you been out here long? You know just staring at my door numbers?"

"No- I just got here, I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to apologize." Lauren gulped.

"Apologize for what? Your sudden mood swing back in the woods? There's no need to, don't worry I get the memo." Camila scoffed as she made a move to close the door.

"No!" Lauren shouted as she held out an arm to stop the door from closing. "There's no memo I was trying to give you, I-I just I don't know how to explain it alright?" She desperately sighed.

"You know you make it very hard for me to read your mind when you purposely try to have nothing on it. So I don't know why you came here to talk if you're not telling me what's up, goodnight Lauren. I'll see you in the morning...that is if you even wanna see me." Camila rolled her eyes and made another attempt to close the door, but Laurens grip was too firm.

"Camila please, I'm not trying to fight with you," Lauren pleaded as she stared right into Camilas hard glare.

"Oh really now? You completely ran away from me on the woods like you didn't even wanna be seen with me. So sorry if I'm a little upset. You made me feel like you didn't even like me."

"I do like you...thats the problem,"Lauren whispered, turning her head down bashfully and looking at her beat up converse. "I don't understand these feelings that I have for you. It's so sudden and I don't know how to handle it, so when you say things or do things that make me feel all mushy inside, I run." She shrugged.

She didn't have to look at Camila to know that she was probably staring right at her. She could feel the brown orbs burning a hole in her head while she continued to look down at the floor.

"Will you look at me," Camila said just above a whisper. Lauren did as she was told, slowly lifting her eyes to meet Camilas now softened gaze. "I don't know what these feelings are either. I want to be friends with you like we said we should, be but its hard when you look at me like, well that. You're so different than anyone I've ever met and I knew it the day we crashed into each other in the hallway. I'd be lying if I said being strictly platonic isn't driving me insane." Camila expressed as she toyed with the drawstring on her pants.

Camila looked up to see the pine tree colored eyes that made her heart to backflips. She was in fact falling for this girl...Hard. But the set backs kept plunging in at horrible times making it near impossible to try at a normal budding relationship. It was getting exhausting. She just wanted to claim her as hers already...if only Lauren could read her mind.

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