Chapter 18- Oh Hormones. . .

Start from the beginning

"Buuuuttt..." he said.

"But what?" I asked.

"Finish the sentece woman!"

"Speaking of women..." I said.

"Let me guess your on your period?" He asked.

"Yes diçkaśshołe."

"Your language says enough."

"Love you too!"

"Now stop trying to change the subject!" He said.

"But I need a pad!!!" I whined.

"Really? Why not a tampon?"

"I'm not trying to kill myself with a stick of cloth with a rope attached that is trying to stop my blood for like 3-4 hours. No thank you."

"Anabel is also on her period when I saw her earlier. I let her see Alaska too. Anyways finish your sentence and we'll, I mean I, since someone can't move that much without a coverup, go buy you some pads."

"Fine!" I said knowing I can't avoid his question.

"I liked his company a little but that was only because of my hormones."

"You know they say when a woman is on her period her true self comes out."

"They also say eat candy but those cramps have another idea," I remarked.

"They also say a woman has no filter for thier mouth on the first day."

"Your point, fugly douchè?"

"Nevermind," he said.

He got up and and walked out the house. I was left with Alaska who finished his food and climbed on my lap. He then sniffed around and went on the other couch to rest. Do I smell that bad?

About 30 minutes into watching That's So Raven, Todd came back with a bag of girls neccisaties from Target.

"Yay!" I yelled which woke up Alaska.

"Here you go, now go freshen up."

I grabbed the bag from his hand and ran to the bathroom. I took another shower. I wore the same dress and put on a pad. There were some candy in the bag and I ate one. Aka 10 maybe more....

I stepped out and sat back on the couch.

"Can I visit Anabel when I'm off my period?" I asked Todd.


"Really no catch no nothing?"


"This is why your my bestfriend and I like you more. Don't tell Anabel that." I whispered the last part.

"Your secret is safe with me as long as you agree that I think the same about you, and you won't tell Blake that." He played along.

We both laughed like crazy and watched Sonny with a Chance until Blake came home which was around 10.

He came home with some pizza. Todd and I fought for the pizza but of course, Blake made sure I had one first. As I ate the pizza, I stuck out my tongue at him and he made a stank face. I laughed it off as we both ate all of the pizza while Blake went upstairs, probably to change. My thoughts were confirmed when I heard the shower running.

Twenty minutes later Blake came down in a white t-shirt and red plaid boxers. What a sight. Wait.. did I really just think that? Just blame the p, just blame the p.

Todd had to leave so he waved goodbye to Blake and hugged me.

"See you soon," he whispered. I nodded as he left.

After he left, Blake laid down on the couch as Alaska cuddled near him. I walked near him and sat on the same couch as him.

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" I asked.

"No, I don't have time."

"Why are you just laying down here then?"

"I had a long day."

"Well then you have to get up," I said as I pulled his arm.

"No. Let me just relax."

"Well can you get up... for me?" I asked with puppy eyes.

Immediately he got up and followed me to the kitchen.

"What are we doing here?" He asked.

"We're going to make dinner and dessert for yourself. "

We began cooking the spaghetti and we fooled around in the process. We laughed and made jokes while the pasta was cooking and I almost burned the house. Wouldn't be the first time.... Once we were done, he forced me to eat with him even though I was already full. He ate the food mostly by himself, as I stared at him. There was a last strand of spaghetti and he desperately wanted to go all Lady and the Tramp with it. I'm not gonna lie, I would like to do that someday, but not with him. He got one end and I got the other. We slowly ate our way to the middle but I quickly pulled off before his lips could touch mine. We washed the dishes and had a bubble fight as we finished up. Now it was time for dessert. I grabbed all the sweets I could find along with ice cream and utensils. We attempted to make a Goofy Goober sundae and "The Everything But The Kitchen Sink Sundae," an ice cream I saw in a movie. Once we finished I made some popcorn and added it to our ice cream. I gave some dinner to Alaska while Blake chose a movie for us to watch. We sat down on the couch and fed eachother ice cream while watching The Boy Next Door.

"Thank you for tonight," Blake said.

"Anytime," I replied. We stared at eachother for a while until I snuggled against him with his arms around my waist and my arms around the bowl of popcorn. Oh sweet popcorn... and Blake too..... but mostly popcorn. I turned and faced him at some point and kissed him. His lips felt like heaven. We were at this for a while until we broke apart for air. But I needed more as crazy as that sounds. I kissed him again which lead to a full on make out session. When we broke apart again, I turned back around and watched the movie.

Oh hormones......

Sorry for the wait
Hehe I rhymed^^.
What do you think about this chapter?
I'm posting the next two chapters together so be warned this will take a while.
Pic of their ice creams
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1583 words
Until next chapter my lovlies. . . . . .

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