Chapter Seventeen

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“Still having problems?” Katelyn mused.

                “I’ve tried…I’ve tried really hard but nothing,” Emily sighed and looked at Katelyn and Austin who sat beside her patiently out in the courtyard.

                “It’s alright,” Austin comforted her, “I’m just happy that’s all over with.”

                Emily hugged her brother slightly, when she pulled away Ryan Cunningham stood about a foot away looking nervous. “Hello Ryan,” she smiled.

                The day after the dance Emily had gone to find Ryan and sobbed to him, apologizing for walking off, but he had told her that Rory had explained all and that everything was perfectly fine between them.

                “Emily, I was uh…” Ryan looked at Austin nervously, noticing that his smile was gone, his jaw set and his face void of emotion.

                Emily noticed this too and hit her brother’s arm before standing up and walking away with Ryan, Austin’s glare still boring into Ryan’s back.

                “I wondered if you’d like to go on a proper date with me? To Hogsmeade or wherever…maybe a quidditch game or a dinner date or…” he trailed off, his face a brilliant red, almost as red as the Weasley signature hair.

                “I would love to go on a date with you,” Emily grinned.

                “How about the next Hogsmeade trip?” Which was next weekend.

                “That would be lovely,” Emily grinned.

                “He’s not going to murder me….is he?” Ryan whispered as he leaned forward.

                Emily laughed slightly, “no, Austin won’t murder you.”

                “Not yet anyway!” Austin called from where he sat.       

                Ryan paled slightly but nodded, “well great. I’ll see you later.” He ran off sprinting to the castle.

                Emily turned and walked over to her brother and Katelyn and scowled at Austin, “really?”

                “I was only messing with the kid, I think Ryan seems good enough to go on a date with,” Austin smiled.

                “I think he’s perfect for Emily,” Katelyn grinned. “Come on, let’s try and fix your memory shall we?”


                “Do you think it’ll ever come back? Those gaps in my memory,” Emily mused as she and Rory walked to the quidditch pitch to watch Gryffindor practice.

                “No idea really, we just have to wait and see. Does it bother you?” Rory asked while sitting himself toward the top of the stadium to see everything.

                “Not really, after hearing what I set Austin up for I’d rather not remember it,” Emily shook her head.

                “Then don’t worry about it,” Rory shrugged. “If you don’t want to remember then congrats on not remembering.”

                Emily laughed slightly and nodded, “you’re right.”

                The Gryffindors flew up in the air and began their practice, “does it bother not playing anymore?”

A taste of Revenge(sequel to Second Chances)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora