Imagine A Relationship With Jc Caylen

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*wakes up to phone ringing* 

"hello?" * i say in a very tired voice 

"Hey baby! how are you? did i wake you?" * jc says very quietly*

"yeah but it's okay. i'm great i was actually just dreaming about you hun, oh lord... when can i see you again jc. i miss you so much... it's been at least a month since i have seen you." 

*he sighs* " i miss you too.. alot... look out your window."

* i get up quickly and i open my curtains& screams* " OH MY GOD JC!!" * i hang up the phone and run down stairs and out the door*  "JC!!!!!!!!!! OH MY LORD!!!" * i jump up and hug him and he holds me* 

Jc: " oh!!! hahahah awwww are you happy to see me babe?" 

*i squeal* " AM I HAPPY? IM FREAKING HAPPY!!!!!" * i kiss jc& jc kisses me back and he sits down on the ground with me in his arms and he keeps kissing me and smiles* " i love you so much  lexi" 

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