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“Good morning! My night was pretty good although I have to look after a friend, why did you say that your night was weird?”

“Really? That sucks… I said that because I can´t remember anything :S”

“No, I don´t mind, he is my friend maybe one night I will get like him and he will have to look after me… But this is what the friends do so it´s alright. Anything? Did you drink so much?”

“Yes… My friends told me it…”

“WOW! So you are a party girl?”

“It counts as a question?”

“But… Ok…”

“Yay! Yes I think so… I like parties so much but I don´t drink that much…”

“Except yesterday”

“Haha… Very funny…”

“I know ;)”

“I promise you that it´s the first time in my life I get that drunk…”

“I don´t know if I believe it…”

“Don´t believe it if you don´t want”

“Don´t get mad!”

“I´m not mad... I promise”


“Alright it´s my turn!”

“Ask me”

“How old are you?”


“So you are older than me”

“I don´t know… How old are you?”

“You've made me a question, sorry”

“C´mon! It´s no fair…”

“Ok, I´m18, well not yet… My birthday is in a few days, it´s 16th of June”

“Yes, I´m older than you, but it doesn´t mind, or am I wrong?”

“I don´t mind either”

“Cool!J I was afraid that you don´t want to talk to me anymore for being older than you”

“For me the age doesn´t mind… My best friend is older than me, and I´m spending my holydays with guys older than me, except one that is my age but I don´t get on well with him so I  think get used to be with older people”

“Ok! Who is the guy? Harry?”



“I really don´t know… It´s weird…”

“You can tell me if you want…”

“I prefer talk about it other day”

“Ok, are you staying in Ibiza more days?”

“No, we go today after lunch”


“I don´t know… It´s a surprise, I don´t know the places that we are visiting…”

“I think that it´s better, you will travel but you don´t know where so it always be a surprise”

“That´s truth, I don´t think about it”

“I´m very smart”

“And very self confident”


“Kevin, I have to go now, I have to pack the rest of my bags”

“Ok, it was a nice to talk to you”

“I agree with you”

“Bye xx”

I was about to say him bye but Louis come into my room.

Louis: What are you doing?

Me: One moment.

I write with my phone “Bye xx J” and send it to Kevin.

WHAT IF ALL OF YOUR DREAMS CAME TRUE? (Elounor Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt