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This is Berk. As you can see, it's different from the last time. But that's because change is good. I've been chief for almost 3 years and each day, I love what I do more and more. 

To the villagers, I am Chief Hiccup, to my friends, I am just Hiccup, but to Berk's enemies and all the neighbouring villagers, I am the Dragon Master. 


Because I am first Viking in history to train and ride dragons (after my mother, of course but that's a story for another day).

See, that's my dragon over there, a Night Fury called Toothless. They're the most rare species yet also the most intelligent and fast. Everybody wants one, but I'm the only one that has one. You see, everyone thought Toothless was the last Night Fury in the world, but a few years ago, we came across a whole herd of them, one of whom became Toothless's mate. We named her Aurora had she had two hatchlings, Eluf and Thora, although they aren't hatchlings any more. They are as unruly as human children and cause chaos everywhere they go. But there again, they are young and are discovering the world around them. My enemies took action and almost succeeded in taking Berk and Toothless away from me, but with love and determination, we fought back and took back what was rightfully ours.

So...let's see how people are doing on Berk. First...Fishlegs! He's still the same old, know-it-all Fishlegs. He's still shy and still shares the greatest devotion to his dragon, Meatlug and acts as my chief advisor. He has however, toughened up a bit, due to his relationship with Ruffnut. She's violent, aggressive and can be stupid but surprisingly, opposites attract! They're perfect for each other, and never has there been any doubt that they wouldn't last!

Okay, well there's Tuffnut and his dragon that he shares with Ruffnut, Barf and Belch. He's still the same too, although he has lightened to the idea of his twin sister dating one his friends. The twins are my diplomats, carrying out many of overseas meetings. Some would say it was a mistake, but I have not regretted my decision...yet. Tuffnut has also kinda turned into a womanizer because for some weird reason, all the single ladies of Berk and the neighbouring villages that we visit have taken an interest in him. He enjoys the attention, much to the chagrin of Snotlout.

Oh, yeah..Snotlout is kinda family. He's my second-in-command, meaning he runs the island with me and takes over when I cannot. He too plays a key role in overseas affairs with the twins as well as security and the Berk Guard and once again, this is a decision I haven't regretted...yet. His dragon, Hookfang, has grown on him and Snotlout does have a much better relationship with him now. He's still a ladies man, but most of the attention has been diverted to Tuffnut. Snotlout is still looking for his future wife, but wherever she is, she had better lay the territory down and tell him who's in charge.

Right...ah! My mother, Valka. She's finally over her heart-break of losing my father, but I know it still aches to talk about it. She remains the dragon whisperer and trainer within the academy riding her dragon, Cloudjumper and is Dowager Queen of the tribe. Our relationship is so good, it was like she had never left all those year ago. Of course, there are many things she doesn't understand, but it's all in good time, I always say.

Others, such as Spitelout, Gobber, Mulch, Bucket, Sven, Isolde, Freda etc. All of them do their bit. They all sit on the elders council and provide advice to us. Spitelout is in charge of trade, Gobber continues to run the forge, Mulch and Bucket are in charge of the food store and harvest, Sven is head of the horticulture and farming on the island, while Isolde is the island healer, taking over the role of the tribal high priestess and Freda is a teacher and childminder, taking care of all of the youth and teaching them the Viking ways. 

And two true loves in the whole wide world, my beautiful wife Astrid and our daughter, Eira Freyja Haddock. I know, me a dad! Who would've guessed? I love them both so much and I would sacrifice myself for them. Eira is adored by all the villagers and is in love Toothless and his little family and I love our little family. Astrid is my queen and a head of the newly-formed Berkian Peace Guild (more will be explained further on). Our love is stronger than ever before, because we learn the hard way, what we really meant to each other. She is my world and our daughter completes it.

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