Meeting the Parents

Start from the beginning

There were some excited comments from the artsy students but most of us just silently agreed.

"Working with clay, although it is very fun, is not a game. You will not throw the clay, you will not smear the clay on anything or anyone, and you will not mold your clay into inappropriate shapes." She gave a few students a stern look as she finished her lecture. "Alright, get started."

Everyone stood from their seats and went over to the front table where Mrs. Ryden had laid out lumps of clay for each student. Instead of joining my classmates, I grabbed the bathroom pass from off of the wall and walked out into the hallway.

I had meant to go to the bathroom during passing period, but I didn't have time. I was glad that Mrs. Ryden wasn't one of those teachers that gave students a hard time about going to the bathroom. Like the whole "I don't know, can you?" thing. That was really annoying.

I got into the stall and did my business, overjoyed to finally be rid of my monthly visitor. As I finished up in the stall, I heard the bathroom door open and several feet walk in.

"-you acted like a complete idiot." Someone said.

"You shouldn't have made me say anything, then." Another voice said.

"Next time, I won't. You're supposed to make me look better, not worse Tasha." I recognized the first voice as Hanna's.

"It isn't a big deal, Hanna. We're going to get a good grade on the project anyway. We always do." Tasha replied. I could hear them moving around and shuffling things in their backpacks.

"I don't give two shits about what the teacher thought, genius." Hanna said angrily. "I care about what Cameron thinks of me, and right now he probably thinks I'm mentally challenged. Especially because I chose you as a partner."

"You need to get over him. It obviously isn't happening. You've been barking up that tree for two years, and Cameron has never been interested." Tasha said.

For best friends, these girls were really mean to each other, and not the kind of mean that best friends were supposed to be.

"You need to mind your own fucking business because I didn't ask for your opinion." Something plastic-sounding hit the sink and I figured that Hanna through it out of anger.

"Get a clue, Hanna. Cameron likes smart girls, which is something you're clearly not." Tasha said harshly. I heard her moving around again. "I'm going back to class. Bye."

"I don't know why the hell I put up with you. You're such a pain in my ass." Hanna said.

"Uhuh, let me know when you find someone else who will actually deal with your shit." I heard clicking against the tiled floor before the bathroom door opened and shut again.

The bathroom sink went on for a few seconds before stopping. I waited silently as I heard Hanna grabbing her stuff. Right before the bathroom door opened again she muttered something.

"Bitch." And she was gone.

I waited for another minute before I finally exited the stall. An all new plan was forming in my mind.

"So," I said to my reflection with a smirk. "Cameron like smart girls?"

~ ~ ~

My mind was reeling by the time I got back into class. It had been about fifteen minutes that I missed and so far, pretty much everyone had found some way to disobey at least one of Mrs. Ryden's rules. I grabbed a lump of clay from the front table and went over to sit with Madison and Rhea. They were giggling over something.

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