Chapter 1

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I sit down on the cold park bench; My light brown hair falling out of its bun in messy, uneven chunks. The smell of rain fills my nose and spreads down my pumpkin-spice abused throat. I should be doing homework.

I'm not.

Instead, I sit quietly, observing the newly colored leaves rustle and fall to the ground in the breeze.

I don't want to open my bag to take out my textbooks.

I don't want to go back to my dorm.

I don't want to have to think about college in the slightest.

I take a sip of my warm apple cider and my glasses begin to fog up. I set the cup on the sidewalk, next to my feet.

I reach into the pocket of my tightly buttoned peacoat and pull out my phone. I pick up a bright red leaf and take a quick shot. Maybe I'll post an artsy picture somewhere later.

Probably not.

The boy from my English class sees me and begins to walk towards me. I wish I was invisible.

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