Ch 25: What Would You do if I Told You I Love You?

Start from the beginning

"Lola Amber Faye. Tiny isn't she?"

"Yes. Where did you even get this?"

"The old man gives me one from time to time, think that's one from right after she fell out of a tree trying to save a cat that turned out to be a racoon that attacked her. She apparently thought the fall was funny and wanted to try again."

She pursed her lips, "it sounds like she's a stupid child."

I frowned, "Lola? No, she's pure and sweet. not something you see often in mortals, and she's stubborn. Refuses to give up. It's endearing in a five year old."

Leila stared shocked, "Absinthe darling did you just use the word endearing?"

I nodded, she continued to stare.



My eyes flicked over Leila, "not now."

She huffed, flopping back in bed, "I swear since you became a familiar, you have grown softer."

"Wanna get your ass over her and suck my cōck then tell me about it?"

She laughed lightly, "fair point darling, you're libido hasn't changed at all, you still manage to tire me out..and that fairy girl you brought home yesterday was fun for the both of us."

I smirked, "ah yeah perks of the job, I had already captivated the girl and put her under my control, she gave me what I needed so I though perhaps you would like to give her her last night."

Leila hummed, "it seemed more like you were the one giving it to her my dear."

"Not my fault the fairy liked the taste of you and the feel of me, you didn't seem to mind so much either."

"Where did you even find her?"

I shrugged, "like I said my job."

She rose a skeptical brow, "the old man wanted you to fück a fairy?"

"No. The old man wanted fairy stones and you know how hard they can be to find, I needed a fairy to tell me where. I decided to fück her on my own violation because i liked her títs and the enthusiasm she showed while blowing me."

She laughed, her mocha skin standing stark against the red bedsheets, "mmmh this is why I adore spending time with you, we have so much fun together."

I grunted in response.

"Tell me darling, what did he need the stones for?"

"Lola's birthday, i still have to go out and get them later."

Her face fell, "..I fücked a fairy because of that girl?"

"No you fücked a fairy because you're a horny little thing and I told you to."

She laughed again, "I suppose thats true...tell me Absinthe darling what are you going to do one day when the old warlock is gone?"

I shrugged, "probably go back to what I was doing before I forged a contract with him, whatever the fück I want."

"And the little girl? Lola?"

I paused for a moment, when old man Faye was gone Lola would still be around wouldn't she? "What about her?"

"Surly you must be jesting Absinthe, The old lady doesn't have forever no matter what you do for the man and he too will die leaving the little girl."

"Then she won't be so little anymore, it doesn't matter. Humans do grow up you know."

"And if she grows up to know of you? what if she summons you one day? will you kill her as you do to nearly all who summon you?"

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