Welcoming Baby Mendes

Start from the beginning

The door bell soon rang and Nightengale ran barking towards the door. I made a motion to stand up and go to answer the door bell but Shawn told he that he will answer the door. Shawn made his way over to the door and opened it. I soon heard multiple familiar voices and figured that my family was hear. I also heard Maddie and Bea running down the stairs like children and seconds later my mom's loud laughter fill the house.

Nightingale soon walked back over to me and sat right next to the couch. I gave him a head rub and told him that he was a good boy. My mom soon came over with a pair of my shoes in hand and helped me put them on. I stood up and followed her from the family room, I greeted my dad, uncles and brother. I gave everyone a hello/goodbye hug seeing as my group was leaving right away to go to the spa. I told Alex and Shawn to behave themselves and told them all to have fun with the babies room.

Shawn gave me a quick kiss on my lips before he bounded up the stairs with the rest soon following him. The girls and I left the house and I locked up the door before I got into the car. My mom then drove us from my house and to the spa.

"So do you know what the babies room will even look like?" my Aunt Dallas questioned.
"Nope, Shawn won't let me look inside it until its finished. Sometimes its just him in there working on it and other times he is working on it with someone from the family or his friends," I replied with.
"Do you at least know the theme of the room?" My mom asked.
"Nope, I only know that the color looks good against the crib and changing table. I also know that there is a bookshelf in there but I don't know anything else."

"That's kinda romantic and cute that he's keeping it a secret," my Aunt Selena said.

"Yeah I think so as well. I just REALLY want to know what the babies room looks like. I don't like waiting for surprises. Y'all should know that," I said.

Seconds later the car broke out into loud laughter.

We soon arrived at the spa and were immediately taken back. We had gotten the whole treatment from messages to painting our finger nails and toe nails. After we had our spa day, my mom and Aunt Dallas decided that we needed to stop at the baby store and pick up some more things. I tried to tell them that the baby already had enough toys and clothes at the moment but they decided not to listen to me.

Between the both of them, they got a jogger for when I get back to running and decide to take the baby with me. They also bought a 'manly' diaper bag for Shawn. Along with a Diaper Genie and refills for it. They also got a baby hockey outfit along with a few baby bath sets and toys. On top of all that they got a few baby bottles, pacifiers, some clothes and a few bags of diapers.

By some miracle we managed to fit it all in the back of my moms SUV. My mom was the last person in the car because she was talking on the phone with my dad, she looked so happy. I wonder what they where talking about.

When we got in the car, we started to drive to our house. When we arrived the boys were outside and helped carry everything inside and upstairs to what is the babies room. I wasn't allowed to help because I still couldn't see what the babies room looked like.

Shawn's POV

Today, while Katie went to the spa with the girls her dad, uncle Niall, Harry and Alex were coming over to help me put the finishing touches on the babies room. We painted it a shade of baby blue and built the crib and changing table which were both a shade of matte black. In the closet we put a matte black dresser. In the corner of the room we placed a nursing chair that had a black frame and grey cushions and right next to the chair we put a brand new acoustic guitar.

The room was themed like slightly like a jungle. In the corner that had the rocking chair, Alex painted a tree that went all the way onto the ceiling of the room. From there we hung a "branch" and put a monkey on it to make it look like the monkey was swinging. The wall which the crib was up against, Alex painted two more tree branches. One looked like a cherry blossom branch and the other branch looked like a plain old tree at night which had owls on it. It looked like a night and day comparison. The between the branches was just enough room for me to paint "Shawn" in big white letters using the stencils I had hidden in the closet.

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