Puerto Rico part 2!!!!

Start from the beginning

" that is my concern and not yours...now can you please let me go, I want to go and change," I said

With that, he held my gaze and let me get. I went up to my room and went to change into a white bathing suit and took my towel.

" you know Richard likes you a lot right," Katy said

" why are you talking to me," I said

" Omg! Amy you are so stubborn, just go out with him already, I mean it is pretty obvious that he likes you because I have never seen him look at a girl like that and get that jealous over any little things," Katy said

"And I care because," I said but truly I was kinder happy to hear that he never looked at any girl as he does to me.

" you should, because flirting with Jason to make him jealous is not doing any of you guys justice, You just hurting him, and besides you already got him wrapped around your finger," Katy said

" What makes you think I have him wrapped around my finger," I said

" Seriously you should see the way he looks at you, if you don't believe me let's prove it tonight....just flirt around with Jason," Katy said

"Sounds like a plan to me....so what are you going to do with Logan" I said with a smirk

" I don't know, I will just try and give him hints," Katy said

I guess she and Katy are friends now, I can't believe that she likes Logan. I went to my closet and put on my white bathing suit, that made my boobs look even bigger. I went over to my room and Katy was just finishing getting dressed.

" Omg! Amy.......Richards is going to go crazy over that bathing suit" Katy said

" lol this is just an experiment, remember" I said

" yeah whatever," Katy said

We walked over to the elevator and made our way to the pool. It was not that packed, which was a good thing. I could see the boys and at the pool bar flirting with some girls. For some reason, the guys are always chick magnets everywhere they go. I could see guys give me lustful looks as I passed by them and made my way to the boys. I saw Logan first look at me, he had a smirk on his face. The other guys stopped talking and Jeff spit out his drink. Richard had a confused face so he turned around dropped his drink and started to choke. Kevin was patting both Jeff and Richard on the back. I kept a straight face but had a huge grin on my face. Katy leaned in closer to me and whispered.

" see I told you" Katy

"Haha, let the games begin," I said and walked over to the guys.

" hey guys," I said

" seriously Amy you look so f*cking sexy right now," said Jeff

" aw thanks," I said

I felt arms wrapped around me and I looked over to see Jason.

" don't you look sexy," said Jason

" Thanks," I said while looking over at Richard, he looked so pissed, it was so cute

" I know what you're doing, and let me tell you it is working," Jason said

" I don't know what you're talking about," I said

"seriously Amy, you come in looking so sexy, your boobs can hardly hold themselves," Jason said

" okay you got me, so Katy suggested that I make Richard jealous to see if he likes me, and from the looks of your arms wrapped around me and you whispering to me.....looks like it is working," I said

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