Suddenly his head shot up, he was on his feet, nose in the air. And I, I was face first in the grass. I watched as he took a long, deep breath in, his claws came out of his fingertips. He sharply, turned to the South and sniffed again.

"What is it?" I asked, still laying on the ground.

"Hunters." He said harshly.



He changed and became the fluffy, brown dog I met him as. He sat on the ground next to me, stared at me, and then growled.

"Alright." I complained. "But you know, I could just run as a human..."

I got a growl in response. After a few moments of concentration, my claws came out. I felt my ears point up next and the rest of my body followed. It felt like I was being pinched or poked with a needle all over my body. It was better then the burning fire I had started out with though.

He ran to the East, away from the hunters, and I followed. We ran for a while, at least a mile. I assumed it was safe to go back and decided to go look for the house he was telling me about.

A branch cracked a few yards away from me. I jumped, turned to face the noise, and crouched all at the same time. I was still amazed at the things I could do as a wolf. Julian said the amazment would wear off, but I hope it doesn't.

I stared at the bush the noise had come from for a few minutes. I couldn't smell anything, which was very odd. It also meant I couldn't sniff-out Julian later.

An arrow flew past me; I moved just in time for it to miss me. I saw the tip of the bow go down from behind the bush just before I changed back into a human.

I walked over to the bush and looked down. A man, well, he looked about 17, was laying down on the ground. His green eyes were watching me with a mixture of awe and horror.

"Boo." I whispered.

He opened his mouth to scream but I covered it with my hand. "No screaming." I felt like Julian when he had first changed me. This is exactly what he did to me. But I wasn't going to change this man.

"I'm Chloe." I said to the man.

"Luke." He mumble from under my hand.

We talked for a little bit after that. He promised not to shoot me, and I promised not to kill him. Not that I would have. But that was want he wanted me to promise.

"How did you make it so I couldn't smell you? Cause I can right now.." He smelled like coffee and mints. An odd combination, and I can't say it smelled all that great.

"A chemical my dad made. We're hunters."

"Specifically for people like me?"

He nodded and looked away, probably scared of what I'd do.

I saw Julian coming through the trees. He stopped about half a mile away from where Luke and I were standing. Something in his didn't look right. He looked at me, and his eyes flashed blue. Whoa.

Suddenly, Luke was picked up and thrown into a bush.

"JULIAN! What are you doing?!"

"What am I doing? What are you doing? He's a human. Paid to track us down, and kill us. Kill him." He told me.

"I can't do that."

"Kill. Him."

"He didn't do anything wrong!" I exclaimed.

"Nothing wrong? He tried to shoot you with an arrow. An arrow filled with silver by the way. Which, kills us."

I turned my head to Luke who was sitting with his legs straight out and looking at Julian with pure fear.

"Kill him." He told me again.

"No." I said shaking my head.

Julian ran into the forest headed East. I knew I had to follow for two reasons. One, make sure he didn't hate me. And Two, I could find where he lived.

"I'll be right back." I told Luke. I ran the direction Julian took off in. Soon, the trees cleared and I saw a grey house. Through a window, I saw the back of Julian's head. He picked up what looked to be a lamp and through it at the wall. The lamp shattered.

I ran up to the door and knocked. A man in his 30's answered the door.

"Yeah, Hi. I need to see Julian right away. Like, NOW." I told him.

"Who's Julian?"

"Damnit, Alpha. I need to see Alpha."

"One moment." He said before slamming the door in my face. I didn't have a moment. I jumped to the roof, right next to the window. I landed just in time to hear the man say, "Alpha, there's a girl here to see you. Funny though, she called you 'Julian'." The man chuckled.

I heard him walk to the window, so I turned to the side. It was a window that popped out of the roof, so there was no chance of him seeing me. "Damnit Chloe." I heard him say.

I ran back to Luke, and said goodbye. Now, I visit Julian's house, watching girls and guys walk in, walk out, and even party. Luke is the only one who I see. Today, I decided that needed to change.

I walked up to the house and knocked on the door.


"Let's just say I need to talk to Julian." I shouted to the door.

The door opened, and I found myself staring at Julian.


longer(: and sooner(:

told ya i could do it(:


next coming soon. promise♥


Just One KissOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora