Liams First Birthday

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One year later

My Liam is now a year old. Teddy and I have become even closer over the past year, and the love for our little boy has grown even more. Liam is the center of our entire world. He has grown into a chunky boy, and he is a living doll. The dark hair on his head has taken on a slight curl, and his deep brown eyes are as alert and curious as ever. As Teddy and I are putting up balloons in the living room our little boy comes toddling in. Liam has just began to walk, and he is very unstable. Just as he begins to lose his balance Teddy swoops him up into his arms. Liam laughs as Teddy kisses his cheeks. I smile as I lean on Teddy's shoulder "You two are ridiculous." Teddy grins as he lifts Liam to my face "Get mommy, get mommy!" I cant help but grin as my son grasps my face and kisses me. I take him from my husband, and hold him on my hip "Do you like the balloons, my little prince?" Liam claps "Balloons!" Teddy grins as he points to a blue balloon "What color is this?" Liam grins his adorable little grin "'lue!" I can't help but smile "There you go!" Teddy smiles as he wraps his arm around me "My little family." I smile "Our little family. Today, our beautiful son turns one." Teddy smiles "I love this. I love Liam. I love you." I smile as he kisses me "I love you too." He leans forward to kiss me, but we are interrupted when we hear Ted's booming voice "There you are!" I pull away "Ted." He hugs me tightly "Elizabeth! You look absolutely lovely!" His eyes then land on my son "There's my favorite boy!" Liam reaches for Ted, who gladly hoists the boy into his arms. I plaster a smile onto my face "Ted, you have spoiled my son rotten!"

Within an hour, my home is completely overflowing with McMahons and Dibiases. They all fawn over my son, and Liam completely embraces the attention. My father has been in love with Liam since the day he met him. He is constantly commenting on his intelligence. My son is very intelligent. At ten months, if I would say blue he could point to the blue ball. I like to think that it is the McMahon coming out in him. My son definitely takes after my family. He is very smart, but he has my father's temperament. He is completely calm and happy, but when he gets mad....he gets mad! My train of thought is broken when I see a familiar face. I walk over to my best friend: Maryse. When she sees me, she throws her arms around me "I have missed you! We have both been so busy." I nod "Yes! I have missed you too!" Maryse looks over my shoulder to see my son on my father's hip, and she lights up "Is that your little one?" I nod as we walk over "Yes." I take Liam from my dad "This is Liam. He is not as little as you probably remember." Maryse holds out her hands, and Liam gladly goes to her. When he grins up at her, Maryse simply melts "He is perfect!" I nod "I know. He is my little prince." Maryse fingers my suns curls "It looks like he got your brothers curls." I smile sadly "I know. I think Liam has a lot of my brother in him." Maryse and I are interrupted when Teddy announces that we are about to do cake, and presents. Liam received so many gifts just as Teddy and I expected. The best gift is a ball pit which was a gift from my friend Brooke Hogan. Liam absolutely loves it, and he dove head first into it the first chance he got.

At the end of the night after all of our guests have gone home, Teddy and I recline in bed with our little boy lying between us. As Teddy strokes Liam's hair, he smiles "Liam has brought so much joy into our lives." I nod "Yes he has. He is a character all his own." Teddy looks up at me, and bites his lip "I've been thinking, and..." I rest my hand on his arm "What is it?" Teddy sighs "I think we should have another baby." I frown "A baby?" Teddy nods "Yes." I smile softly as I imagine me pregnant with Teddys baby, a baby that is made from love. I grasp Teddys hand "I would love to have another baby." He kisses me passionately "Really?" I nod "Yes." He kisses my forehead "I love you so much." I feel my heart swell with joy "I love you too!"

Forced (Ted Dibiase)| WATTYS 2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora