A Secret Revealed

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Shane's POV
I am on my way to my sisters hospital room to spend more time with her and Liam. He is a beautiful baby, but I noticed that he really doesn't look like his father nor his mother. I had expressed this to Stephanie, and she says that Liam must be such a mix of our sister and her husband that he doesn't exactly look like either of them. I shrug as I think that perhaps I'm just looking to far into things. I reach out to open my sisters door, but I notice that it's already open, and I can hear voices. One of the two voices belongs to my sister, and the other....is Ted Dibiases! I quietly move closer to the door, and listen as they talk. Ted asks "Has anyone said anything?" My sister replies "No." I can hear the smugness in Ted's voice when he says "Perfect." It's silent for a few minutes before I hear Ted say "Look at us. One little family." My sisters voice is tight when she replies "You should leave." After a moment I hear Ted's footsteps approaching the door, and I quickly move away from the door. After I see him disappear around the corner my head is reeling. I try to process what I just heard, and when I do I can only think of the worst possibility. Liam is Ted's son.

My sister looks up at me shocked when I open the door. I frown "I heard your little exchange with Ted." Elizabeth looks completely devastated "Shane..." I stop her "Liam is Ted's son, isn't he?" She remains silent, but her silence is answer enough "He is." Elizabeth covers her mouth as she tries not to cry "Shane, let me explain!" I scoff "You slept with Ted Dibiase?" Elizabeth shakes her head "It wasn't like that." I am disgusted "Ted is the one that forced you into all of this! He is the enemy! Why?" Elizabeth stops crying, but instead she glares at me "You think I had an affair with Ted Dibiase?" I stay quiet "Why? The bastard can't be that smooth." My sister throws a pillow at me "Get out! Get out! If you think I would ever go near that bastard you aren't my brother!" I glare at her "Ted deserves to know!" Elizabeth's face turns completely white "No. He can never know." I can't believe what I'm hearing "He deserves to know! He deserves to know that Liam isn't his son!" Elizabeth screams "He can never know!" I am screaming at this point "Why not?" She has tears rolling down her face at this point "Because that bastard raped me! Ted raped me!" I am completely frozen "What?" She sobs violently "He raped me. I would never be with him willingly. You should know that." I step forward to comfort her, but she flinches away from me "Get out." I sigh "Lizzie..." She glares at me "Get out." I hang my head as I walk out of the hospital room. What have I done?

I see Ted Dibiase downstairs in the lobby, and I barely contain myself as I walk up to him "We need to talk." He follows me outside "What now?" I clench my fists "You raped my sister." Ted looks taken back, and for the first time I have caught him off guard "Pardon me?" I point at him "You raped my sister, and got her pregnant." Ted smirks "What are you talking about?" I grab him by the front of his shirt "You know exactly what I'm talking about! You raped her!" Ted smirks "You don't scare me, boy." I am nearly seeing red as I push him away "You raped my sister. Liam is your son." Ted smiles "Isn't he beautiful? My little boy." I punch the brick wall next to me "You need to leave." Ted glares at me "I'm not leaving. Let's make that clear." I use all my energy to punch Ted in the jaw. After that I leave. I leave the hospital, and I go home. By the next day I am making plans to go to London with my fiancée. I have realized something that my sister realized a long time ago. We can't win. Ted Dibiase is one smart son of a bitch, and he is unbeatable. Before I get on the plane with Olivia, I call my sister. She picks up "Shane?" I sigh "I'm leaving, Lizzie. Olivia and I are going to London." I can hear the panic in her voice "What? Shane you can't leave! I need you!" I feel tears form in my eyes "I'm sorry, Lizzie. I should have protected you. I should have fought harder for you. Now Teds won." Lizzie gasps "No! Please Shane!" I take a deep breath "Tell Teddy. He deserves to know that Liam isn't his son." She is no longer speaking. All I hear on the other line is her sobbing "I love you, Lizzie." She cries "I love you, Shane." I hang up the phone, and I know one thing for sure. Teddy will never know. My sister will never tell him. If I know my sister the way I think I do she will take this secret to her grave.

Forced (Ted Dibiase)| WATTYS 2016Where stories live. Discover now