Pregnancy Progress

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I am now twenty-one weeks along, and today I am finding out the gender of my baby. Teddy and I are in the room waiting on the Doctor. When he finally comes in, I am praying for a baby girl. I know Ted wants a boy, and for that very reason I want a girl. The doctor spreads the cold gel over my bare stomach, and eventually an image of my baby appears on the monitor. The doctor searches the screen "With any luck, we will be able to see the gender." I hold my breath, and when he says "Looks like you're having..." I feel as if I might pass out "A boy." I feel a tear slip down my cheek, but I tell Teddy it's because I'm so happy. We leave the doctors office, and automatically go over to Ted's. When he hears that I am pregnant with a boy he is more then happy, he is simply ecstatic. Ted grins as he hugs me tightly "We must celebrate. Mary and I will throw you two the largest baby shower that has ever been done." Mary grins "Oh! I'm so happy! Do you have any names picked out?" Ted laughs "My grandson will be named Theodore of course! He will be a third generation!" I shake my head "I was actually thinking of something else." Ted frowns "Well we will have to see." I feel determination brewing inside of me. This is my baby! I will decide his name, and it definitely will not be the same name as the bastard who raped me. Honestly, through my entire pregnancy I have not even considered one name. I feel shame wash over me as I realize how little I have even thought of my baby as exactly what he baby. I may have become pregnant under the worst circumstances possible, but I am pregnant none the less. I have a beautiful child growing inside of me, and I should be focusing every ounce of my energy toward him, and loving him.

That night Teddy and I talk about names. I confide in him "I don't want to name him Theodore Dibiase. You have always expressed to me how your father wants a legacy. If we give this baby the same name as your father then we are only encouraging this insane idea of a legacy." Teddy signs "You're right. What names do you have in mind?" I smile softly "Matthew, Benjamin, Luke..." Ted smiles as he rubs my belly "I like David ." I scrunch my nose "David Dibiase." He chuckles "Good point!" I laugh as I kiss my husband "I love you." He hugs me tightly "I will never get tired of hearing you say that."

As another month passes, I am soon 24 weeks along. My belly has grown, and grown, and grown. I could easily pass for eight months pregnant, but I am only six months along. Teddy and I have began preparing for the baby, but we still have not decided on a name. One night while I am lounging on the couch I absently rub my belly as I consider names. A thought comes to mind "Liam Stephen Dibiase." I feel my baby boy kick, and I can't help but grin "Do you like that?" He kicks softly again, and I laugh. I excitedly tell Teddy about my name revelation when he gets home, and he is not nearly as excited as I am. My feelings are a little hurt by his lack of excitement "Liam Stephen?" He asks me, and I nod "Yes! Ted smiles "Liam Stephen Dibiase." He smiles "What about Liam Theodore Dibiase?" I frown "Theodore?" He nods "I know what you think of the name Theodore, but I want my son to have my name. It's not just my fathers name, it's mine too." I grin "I think I can live with that."

****Please leave comments!! I hope you guys like my choice of the baby's name!****

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