Four Months Later

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It has been five months since I skipped out on my wedding, and my life couldn't be better. London has always been one of my favorite vacation spots. I live in a luxurious townhouse right in the center of the city, I have made new friends, Matt and I are very happy, and I have simply created a new life for myself.

Three weeks before my wedding date, I get a call from my father. I can hear the distress in his voice "Elizabeth, please come home!" I roll my eyes "Haven't you all given up yet?" My father sighs "You don't understand! Ted is going to take everything!" I bite my lip "What are you talking about?" My father makes a choked sound "We have thirty days....before he takes the house." I gasp "He can't!" My dads voice is shaky "Yes he can. He can do whatever he wants. He has us all by the balls, Elizabeth! Unless you come home, your family will lose everything!" I feel anger bubble inside of me "And if I come home, I lose everything! My freedom, for gods sake!" My fathers voice is no longer shaky, it is very firm "Forget about yourself! Your mother and I are going to be done! You can't stand by and let us lose everything we have worked for!" I quickly snap back at him "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have anything! Remember? Ted gave you the money you needed because of me! Without me, you would have lost everything a long time ago!" As soon as the words are out, I know I have gone to far. My father sighs "Well I'll leave you to make the choice. Save yourself or throw your family into the fire." Then my father hangs up. I sit down on my bed, and call Ted "Hello?" I growl through gritted teeth "You asshole." I can hear the smirk in his voice "Oh! It's so good to hear your lovely voice Elizabeth." He chuckles "I'm guessing that your father has called you." I grit my teeth "You're a heartless bastard, you know that?" Ted chuckles once again "Preaching to the choir, honey." I sigh as a tear slips down my cheek "I'll be on a flight back home by tomorrow." Then I hang up. I feel my heart breaking as I realize that it's pointless to try and fight Ted. I thought I had gotten away, but in the end he trapped me again.

I'm supposed to meet Matt for dinner, but I can't even manage to face him. Instead I sit down, and write him a letter. It's cowardly to end things this way, but I can't tell him goodbye. At least not to his face. I go to the restaurant where I am supposed to meet him, and leave the letter on his windshield. It reads:

In only a few short months you have quickly became the most important thing in my life. I love you with all my heart, and to write this letter causes me so much pain. My past has come back to haunt me, and it has taken me away from you. I am so sorry to end things this way, but I have no choice. I love you with all of my heart, and I hope you can find it in yours to forgive me.


I sob as I lock the door to my town home the next morning. Once I am on the plane, I feel something inside of me shift and change. I can feel my heart becoming cold and hard. I vow to myself that I will never let anyone hurt me again. If my heart stops, then no one can use it against me. Months ago, Teddy and I could have grown to love each other. But now that's not even a possibility! I will hate him for the rest of my life.

Forced (Ted Dibiase)| WATTYS 2016Where stories live. Discover now