Baby Liam is Here!

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As I enter my ninth month, and my due date approaches I am forced to retreat inside. The cold Connecticut weather keeps me from enjoying the fresh air, and Teddy insists that I stay off of my feet as much as possible. Now my belly has grown so much that I am plain uncomfortable. I am ready to have the baby just so I can get off the couch without feeling like a turtle stuck on its back. Teddy loves my belly, and I can see how excited he is getting about the baby. We are both ready for him to be here.

Thankfully, when I go into labor Teddy is home. We go to the hospital, and within three hours I am almost fully dilated. Teddy is amazed at how well I handle the pain. Epidural is not even an option. McMahon women have never had epidural during child birth. Although by the time I am ready to push, I am seriously considering it. The nurse comes in "You are about to start pushing. Would you like anyone else in here with you?" I nod "My sister." Stephanie soon comes in, and that is when I begin to push. She lets me grip her hand as she encourages me "Bring him into the world, Elizabeth. It's time for you to meet your baby." I let out a small scream as I use all of my energy to push. Teddy is holding my other hand, but now he doesn't seem as prepared as he was a few hours ago. He leans down to my ear "You're doing great. I love you so much. We are about to meet our little boy." I growl "Shut up! I need to concentrate!" After fifteen more minutes, and three more hard pushes I have finally done it. I hear my son cry for the first time, and I am relieved. As the nurse cleans my baby off Teddy leans down to kiss me "That was incredible." I smile softly "I'm tired." Teddy laughs "I love you." The nurse comes over to us with my son bundled up in her arms, and I eagerly take him from her. My son looks up at me with the deepest brown eyes, and I feel my heart sink as I notice that his head is covered in dark brown hair. He looks just like his father. Teddy smiles "He's beautiful." I smile weakly "He really is." Teddy wraps his arm around me "My little family." I smile "Liam Theodore McMahon." Stephanie hugs me "You did wonderful! He's absolutely beautiful." I remain silent as my son looks up at me. In that moment I feel like something passes between my newborn son and I. He looks up at me solemnly as if he understands what he has been born into. I hug him closer to me "I will protect you." And I mean what I say. I will not let anyone hurt my son, especially not Ted Dibiase.

When everyone comes into my post delivery room they fawn over Liam. I notice that Ted isn't with the group, and I feel a moment of relief. I can genuinely enjoy myself as my family spends time with my son and I. My brother takes his turn holding his nephew, and I see him gaze at Liam and then glance at Teddy. I know he has noticed that Liam scarcely resembles Teddy. I feel shame wash over me as he looks at me next.

After everyone leaves I gladly rest back in bed with my baby. When the door opens I expect to see Teddy coming back in from running out to go get us dinner. Instead Ted comes in the room. I clutch my baby to my chest "What do you want?" He smirks "I want to see my son." I glare at him "He's not your son." He glances at the baby in my arms, and a grin spreads across his face "Are you sure about that?" Ted has noticed how much the baby looks like him, how could he not? Ted sits down on the bed next to me "Has anyone said anything?" I look down "No." He smiles "Perfect." He holds out his hands for Liam, and I realize that he will not stop until I let him hold my son, so I begrudgingly hand him over. Ted grins as he cradles his son in his arms "He's beautiful." I don't say anything as Liam sleeps peacefully in Ted's arms. I had hoped that perhaps when I would hand Liam over to Ted, Liam would squall, cry, and reach for me. But that doesn't happen, Liam just snuggles deeper into Ted's chest. Ted looks at me "Look at us. One little family." I feel a tear slip down my cheek "You should leave." He kisses Liam's head gently "As you wish. I'll come back with Mary tomorrow." Once Liam is in my arms again I clutch him tightly, and only when Ted leaves I relax my grip. It seems like as soon as Ted leaves the door opens again, and this time it is my brother. He stands there silently, and that's when I realize that he had been standing outside the door. He had heard the conversation between Ted and I.

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