chapter nine teaser

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That night everyone went home not having to worry about losing someone they loved. All except for Meghan. She stayed by his side every second. Her stomach was starting to show, a side effect of being over one month pregnant. She was now taking the medication regularly. She was sitting in the chair next to Charlie, holding his hand and looking down at her stomach. She yawned and rested her forehead on the metal bed railing. She feels Charlie's fingers bury themselves in her hair and she looked up. He shifted slightly to the side.
"Come on." He patted the empty space next to him. She carefully climbed next to him without a word. She snaked her arm around the back of his neck, curling it up at the elbow and running her fingers through his hair. She draped her other arm across his torso carefully and scooted closer. He laced his fingers together around her waist and kissed her forehead. They stared at each other for a long time, his hands unlacing and one moving to her stomach, the other to the small of her back. She let her hand slide over his and smiled to herself.

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