Chapter Three

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Later on that day Stephen stopped by, just as Mikaela had said he would. Meghan was sleeping now, she'd cried herself to sleep. The tear stains were still evident on her pale cheeks. She had dark circles under her eyes and they were puffy from crying. "Meghan?" He shook her awake.
"Hey, I brought you some food and stuff."
"Oh, thanks Stephen." She forced a slight smile and glanced at her comatose boyfriend. Then she remembered, they didn't know. "Charlie's comatose..." Stephen was shocked and stumbled backwards away from his brother.
"They had to... induce him because he couldn't..." Meghan broke down again and Stephen wrapped an arm around her.
"I'll have to tell everyone else. Are you okay here?" She nodded and zoned out. Stephen said something she couldn't quite hear. "Meg? Meghan?!"
"I'm going to go now, okay?" He said slowly, as though she were insane. She nodded and he turned to leave.

"Meg? Meghan?!" It was Charlie, he'd shouted her name 4 times already with no response. She turned to look at him. "It wasn't your fault." He told her softly and attempted to place a soothing hand on her shoulder but she shied away. He sighed. "Meghan, it could've happened to anybody."
"Yeah, but it happened to me; to us. What does that tell you?"
"That we're unlucky." He shrugged. She just stayed silent and let the tears fall. "Meghan." He started, taking both her hands in his and forcing her to look into his eyes. "What happened, you were not to blame for it. It was the short end of the stick okay?" He stayed quiet until she nodded. "Good. I love you. At least we didn't tell anyone yet, huh? It could've been a lot worse." He told her. She just slightly nodded her head again. He pressed his forehead against hers. "I love you. So much. You know that right?"
"I love you too."
He smiled. "I know." Then he released one of her hands and placed it on her stomach and a silent tear once again slipped down her cheek. Then she winced. "You okay?"
"Yes. It's just... losing a kid... painful both ways. Emotional and physical."
"That's taking self-deprecating jokes to another level." He smiled. She laughed nervously. "We'll get through this. I know we will. It'll take time... but we'll get there."
"I know. I just, I feel like I did something, like I-"
"You did nothing. Okay, it's bad luck. And, like I said, we'll get through it, we'll be okay."
"I love you Charlie."
"I love you too."

She smiled gently looking back at that. If he hadn't of been there she'd been probably still be wallowing in self-pity and the loss of her child. If anything, it should be her in there. She should be lying on deaths door. He doesn't deserve it.
"Babe please don't go. Not yet." She whispers, fat crystalline tears rolling down her cheeks. She sighs and looks down at the leather wallet in her hands. She flips it open, glancing at the small bag of his belongings. "Oh God, Char." She sobs as she sees the picture of them. He was holding her from behind and smiling down at her. She was doubled over laughing as they stood on the pier, the sun glinting off the water behind them. Thats when they visited Meghan's family over the previous summer. She had no idea he kept that picture. She took it out slowly, tracing his smile. Her tear dropped onto the corner of the picture, blurring the ink. She turned the picture over and started to sob harder. My sun my moon and all my stars. Was printed in his blocky handwriting. She folded her legs up to her chest and flipped through other pictures in his wallet. Most of them were of Meghan. With each day that dragged by, Meghan grew paler and Charlie came one step closer to death. She hadn't left the hospital in days, and her body was feeling the effects. She was weak and tired, constantly sad and most of the time she was crying. Ryan brought her clothes. She was always in the room, holding his hand. Deb was in really rough shape. Chuck was trying to help her, but she was barely eating, not sleeping well; according to Mikaela at least. Meghan was struggling herself, obviously. Ryan reminded her everyday she looked like shit. Meghan could sympathize with Deborah, though. She'd been an emotional wreck after they lost the baby, and she was only a month along. The love she held for the tiny human inside her was so great, if Charlie hadn't been there to rope her back in, she'd be floating in sadness forever. Who will rope her back in if Charlie died? Who will be her anchor?
"Meghan, you should go home." Mikaela says, rubbing her shoulder. She lifted her eyes from Charlie's increasingly pale features.
"Mikaela, I can't. I can't leave him."
"Meghan, he's been in the same condition for days, I promise he'll hang I  there for a couple more. He's strong." Meghan just sighed, knowing she has no choice. She looked fiercely at Mikaela.
"Call me if anything happens, the slightest change in his breathing rythem, any drop in his blood pressure. Anything  and I'm here, okay?"
"I will, I promise." With that, Meghan was reluctantly pushed out the door. She drove silently to her house, thoughts swirling through her brain. She knew it was good for her to get out, Charlie had been comatose for a week now. A couple days out and she'd be back to normal, hopefully. Another hour in that God forsaken hospital room and she'd probably go mental. She silently lays on her bed, staring at her ceiling. Charlie's heart beat was forced into a steady rythem along with his lungs, hooked up to the machine. She needed sleep as much as Charlie needed to wake up. She felt for the picture in her pocket. She was emotionless, all her sadness wasted. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Charlie; hooked up to various machines. She finally walked to the bathroom and grabbed an ambien. She finally fell into a fitful sleep. Her phone rings loudly, waking her around 3pm.
"Mikaela?" She asks sluggishly.
"Meghan! Its Charlie."

A/N: Okay, hello! The last half was written by Lauren and I am writing the A/N for some reason. Um, hey there! This is really sad to write, especially when you know what's coming next *Wink Wink*, sadly, you guys will probably have to wait another week. *Evil Laugh*
Little bit of self promotion but whatever ~ Go check me out -> Heyimbae , I also write Marlie fics that aren't as sad, go follow, comment, vote etc. And do the same on this story, and of course, the lovely Lauren.

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