Chapter Thirteen

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"...What?" She asked reluctantly.
"My manager wants me to go on tour."
"Look, Meg, I know, I know."
"No, Charlie you do not know." She rose from her seat. "You do not know how I felt when you were in that coma, Charlie! You do not know how it felt being told you were hit by a car. So what? You decide to tour the fucking country in a bus?! No. I'm sorry, I can't deal with this right now." She ranted before storming off, she grabbed a coat and her uggs and walked away out the door, nobody knew exactly where. Not even her.

Meghan finally sat down and caught her breath on a beach somewhere. She'd been walking for an hour. She just started sobbing alone on the beach, tears streaming down her cheeks. Ryan had called Mikaela practically crying himself. Charlie was beating himself up about it, it was his fault and now his fiancee had been missing for over an hour.
"Mikky." Ryan slightly sobbed.
"Ry... What's up?!"
"Meghan's gone..."
"She's dead?"
"No. She walked out the door over an hour ago and she won't pick up her phone or anything.""
"I'm sure she's fine Ryan."
"I just... what would I do without her? She's my little sister."
"I know Ry... call me when you find her."
"I will."
"Good, I've gotta go. I'm waiting for that call!"
"Kay, bye Mikky."
"Bye Ryan."

"It's my fault!"
"Charlie, it's not your fault."
"We were arguing and now she's... gone."
"What exactly were you arguing about son?" Gary asked.
"My manager wants me to do a tour. And I told Meghan..."
"And she flipped... because her hormones are all over the place." Kelli sighed.
"It's my fault."
"Son, we'll find her."
"You don't know that! Sh- she could be-" At this point Gary grabbed Charlie by the shoulders and shook him.
"May I remind you of two things." Without waiting for an answer he continued. "1, you are talking about my daughter. 2, you are doing what Meghan was doing when you were out, you are battling with your mind and losing, Charlie. Don't let your head win." Charlie took a deep breath and nodded.
"Don't be sorry son, just give her another call."

Meghan was sat on the log, still crying her eyes out. But now she was crying harder because she'd realized how completely and utterly lost she was. Her phone buzzed beside her and Charlie flashed across the screen. She answered the call.
"Hello?" She said shakily.
"Meghan! Where are you?"
"I don't know." She sobbed. "Charlie I'm sorry, please come get me."
"I wouldn't dream of doing anything but that princess... Okay, what does it look like?"
"I'm on a beach that was an hours walk away." She sniffled.
"Okay, I'm coming to get you. Hang tight." Then the line went dead and she was alone again.

"MEGHAN?!" Charlie shouted across the beach.
"Charlie!" It was Meghan and she was crying still.
"Oh my god Meghan." Charlie gasped his arms wrapping tightly around her. She just sobbed lightly into his shoulder as they both clung to the other; the moonlight beating softly down on them. As her sobs trickle to cries that dissipate into utter nothingness, she looks up at him. "Charlie, I'm so sorry. Baby I know I've said it before but without you I'd probably be gone." She whispers, her voice raw and hoarse.
"Shhhh, Meghan." He says and she jumps, he catches her. Her thighs tighten around his hips and her knees are bent, her calves dangling limply at his sides. Her arms snake around his neck and she rests her head on his chest, dropping off into a dreamless sleep. Thirty minutes later she wakes up, looking to see Charlie. She re adjusts, putting her hands lightly on his shoulders and sitting up.
"I can walk." He shakes his head, pushes her bangs out of her face, and kisses her forehead.
"I have you." He whispers softly. She nods and rests her head on his shoulder. And watches the dark, desolate streets pass by. Everyone is with their families. About fifteen minutes later, Charlie opens the front door and carries Meghan to the couch, sitting her down. She is immediately swarmed by her family and after one panic attack and A bottle of water, she was okay. Ryan snuck up to his room and dialed.
"Hey, Ry." Mikalea greets.
"She's home."
"Good, good."
"OK, thanks for being here and all but I need to be with Meghan. Charlie brought her home. He's so good for her."
"I know and understand. Do what you need to do, I'll always be here for you."
"Thanks Mikky."
"Ryan, I love you."
"I love you too." He smiles and hangs up, flopping onto his bed. He sighs and stares at his ceiling. Meghan and Charlie lay on the couch downstairs. Charlie stretched out across the entire length and Meghan on top of him. She was on the brink of dropping off into lala dream land, when Charlie started kissing her neck. She may have been exhausted, but she wanted him. They stood and Meghan jumped. He cought her, the seal of their lips never breaking as she wrapped her legs around him and crossed her legs at the ankles, pulling her knees up to his ribs and her feet falling just below his butt. They soundlessly entered her bedroom and locked the door. He pinned her to the wall and she let him wiggle out of his shirt. She let him pull her sweater over her head. She let him have her. She woke up at a useless hour In the morning, Meghan slipped into her bra and underwear, pulling Charlie's flannel off the floor and buttoning all except the top two buttons. She walked into the kitchen and made him coffee, while she made herself some hot chocolate. She felt arms twine around her from behind and he kissed down her neck, to her slightly exposed shoulder. She turned her head, fitting their necks together as if they we're puzzle pieces. Their sticky skin clung together as they layed wordlessly on the couch, undone. Meghan heard a disturbance in the house and quickly put her clothes back on, Charlie following quickly after. She went back to the kitchen to grab their mugs, the scent of sex still evident on their clothing, on the couch, and in her room. She smirked behind her mug as she leaned across the counter on her hip.
"So what time are we supposed to go to your parents?" She asks quietly.
"Mikaela said around 5." He says, matching her tone. She nodded curtly at her mother.
"What were you kids up to last night?" Kelli asked. Meghan was now thankful their house was soundproof.
"Oh you know, we watched a movie and fell asleep." Meghan said, surprised at how easily the lie fell from her mouth. Charlie's phone rang from the depths of his basketball shorts and he reached to find it. If Meghan had five minutes alone, she'd probably locate it for him. He stepped into the living room to take the call. Meghan watched him go and gave a satisfying sigh.
"Meghan, your telling me all you did with Charlie last night was watch a movie. I see what your wearing and I smell it. Meghan." Kelli warned. She caved.
"Okay, fine we did a little more than that."
"A little!? I could hear you from the top of the stairs!" She laughed. Meghan's face reddened as she realized her mother had eavesdropped on their very intimate moment. Charlie came back, a neutral expression on his face.
"That was my mom." He said, his voice cracking slightly.

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