Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Xavier, I'm scared....of you."

His head shot up and his red eyes widened. He stood up and left the room quickly.


"Zane and Clouse," Lloyd was saying. "You guys go after Sephtis. Noah, you have Turner. Cole and Kai, you get Chen. And the rest of us will follow the plan for Xavier."

"Got it!" Julia said. "Let's do this."

Lloyd smirked and turned to open the now, thanks to Ronin, unlocked door. Aira put a hand on his arm and they looked at each other's eyes. Lloyd nodded and continued out. Julia wondered what her mom had just said.

They all split into their respective groups and went to carry out their tasks.

Julia, Kyle, Lloyd, and Aira crept down the hall to the main room. Lloyd looked around the corner and then hurriedly pulled his head back. Sephtis and Xavier were both talking.

"Is it true?!" Xavier yelled.

"Of course not! Your girlfriend is lying to you!"

"You don't know Katrina like I do!" Xavier spat. "She wouldn't lie to me!"

"You're letting her cloud your judgment!"


Lloyd whipped around the corner and tackled Sephtis to the ground. Sephtis yelled and bit Lloyd's shoulder like an animal. Lloyd yelled in pain but still got Sephtis in a neck-lock.

"Xavier! Help me!" Sephtis yelled.

Xavier looked uncertain. He didn't want to hurt his dad but he didn't want Sephtis hurt.

"Don't make me choose!" Xavier yelled in anguish.

"Xavier," Aira said coming around the corner.

"Mom," Xavier almost smiled.

"Yes, baby, it's me," she said taking a step forward. "I miss you and want you to come home."

"Be careful, Aira," Lloyd said. He was sitting squarely on Sephtis's shoulders making it so the Druid couldn't move.

"Stay back!" Xavier yelled. "I might hurt you."

His voice cracked with emotion and his eyes cleared for a split second. Katrina came running into the room but was held back by Kyle.

"You won't," Aira assured.

"But don't you see?! I've already caused so much pain!" Xavier yelled. His hands began to glow purple. He was having trouble controlling his power.

"We can fix it," Aira said softly. She come forward a few more steps.

"Don't listen, Xavier! Let the darkness keep you!" Sephtis yelled.

Someone tapped Lloyd's shoulder. Zane was standing behind him and practically shaking with rage. Lloyd held up a hand and Sephtis used the distraction to throw Lloyd from his back. Lloyd hit the nearby wall with a sickening crunch.

Aira's attention was taken off Xavier and she looked towards her husband in dismay. Xavier's eyes fogged again and he started to shake in rage.

Lloyd tried to stand but he couldn't. He had broken at least one rib and his ankle; that much was obvious by the way his ankle was bending. Ankles are not supposed to bend like that. That ankle had given Lloyd trouble since the final battle.

"Xavier, no!" Julia yelled.

It was too late. Xavier had shot a energy ball in Aira's direction. It smashed into her shoulder and she flew back towards Lloyd.

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