Chapter Two

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(AN- how are you guys? I'm updating again! School starts soon so I won't be able to update as much but I will. Ily all and thanks for the people who voted and commented it made my day ily xo)

[Harry's P.O.V]

Tour starts back in 2 weeks. And I'm not looking forward to it one bit. It's the day after the wedding and it's about 5pm in the afternoon. I've been in here all day. Just sitting on my bed and staring at the wall.

The boys have knocked on the door several times and asked if I was okay and I would just reply back with a yeah I'm fine. Though I wasn't and I think everyone knew that. Louis. His all that's on my mind 24/7.

I wonder what his doing? I wonder where he is. I wonder how his doing. Though I hate him so much I keep on having these thoughts. He broke my heart and yet I'm sitting here thinking about him. I know I shouldn't but I am, and I can't help it. I'm not proud of it.

Liam went out to the shops to grab a few things so I just sat in the room. Minutes later the door opened and my eyes widened cause last time I checked the door was definitely locked. "We need to tell you something" Zayn says. A little too harshly. I wince and Niall continues.

"Your pathetic" he starts and my breath gets caught in my throat. "Your such a gay faggot! No wonder Louis beat the shit out of you, you fucking deserved it! You ruined Louis' most special day! Imagine someone doing that at your wedding! Your such a worthless gay fag! I can't believe that your even in the band" Niall says and by now I have tears streaming down my face and my knees are tucked up against my stomach. But no, this isn't the end. Nope there's more.

"You deserve all the hate! Cause of you were going to lose many fans! No one likes gay's in bands!" Zayn says and then they turn around to leave but I use all the strength I have left and choke out "w-wait d-don't leave I'm sorry" I say squeezing my eyes shut.

"Fuck off Harry we hate you!" And with that they leave and I heard the main door of the hotel room slam close. Then I brake down. Letting out my tears cause my own band mates hate me now. They took Louis' side. I bet he convinced them. That bitch I hate him so much cause his only making my life ten times harder.

I cry for hours but after a while they turned into sobs and I hear the door to my room open. My heads down in my knees so I don't really see who it is but the fear gets the best of me when I felt someone sit down next to me.

"It's okay Harry, it's alright I'm here now I won't let anyone hurt you okay?" I look up to see Liam. He gives me a small smile and wraps his arms around me. "Y-you know what happened?" I ask and he nods sighing.

"Yeah um Louis tried convincing me.. But I promise I won't leave okay?"he says and I nod. Grateful that I have someone. "Thanks for staying" I say and he simply kisses my forehead. "It's alright I yelled at them all after Zayn and Niall agreed" he says and I stay silent not knowing what to say.

"Are you up to do anything? Go out somewhere?" He asks and I shake my head. I honestly don't want to go anywhere. No where at all.

"Oh okay what about a game? Bored game?" He suggest and I nod. I like that idea more than going out. "Yay! What do you want to play?" He asks and I shrug.

"Monopoly?" I nod and he smiles. "Okay, I'll go set it up, you might want to go wash up and then meet me in the living room okay?" I nod and he gets up closing the door behind him.

I slowly get up and walk into the bathroom splashing water on my face. Oh how that feels nice. I sigh and grab a towel drying my face off before changing my clothes. I run my hands through my hair not caring how I looked and walk into the living room to see the board game already set up.

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