"Don't tend to the little bitch. She disobeyed us!" Alpha Terence growled at his mate. Luna Thalia ignored him as she helped me limp out of the room. "We're not letting you fuck this up again!" he declared.

I froze, making Luna Thalia stop also. "You will be mated with my son, tonight! I promise you that!" he claimed. I can't wait. I kept my sarcastic response to myself as I continued to limp through the hall.

A hand touched my waist, and I flinched away from it. "Its just me" Nick said softly as he put his hands up. I sighed in relief, but instantly regretted it when pain erupted in my chest. "Here. I'll carry you" he offered.

Hesitantly, I nodded my head. He put one arm behind my legs and one arm behind my back. He lifted me up bridal style and started walking through the house. Surprisingly, he brought me to his room. There was a girl sitting on his bed. "Caroline. Get the first aid kit" Thalia ordered.

The girl quickly scrambled off the bed and into the bathroom. Nick carefully sat me down on the bed, but I still hissed at the pain. "Sorry" he apologized.

I shook my head. "Not your fault" I choked the words out.

"No talking" Thalia demanded. I have no problem with that. Caroline returned with a large white box that had a red cross on the front. Obviously, that's the first aid kit. "Help her take her shirt off" Thalia instructed.

Gently, Nick pulled me into a sitting position as Caroline pulled my shirt over my head. I have a feeling that she's his mate. Thalia started wrapping my torso up as Nick wiped my face off with a white cloth. The towel was stained with red once he was done. Caroline helped by putting some bandages on my face. I guess I got scratched or something.

Thalia dressed me in Nick's shirt and basketball shorts so they were baggy because its not good to have the fabric rub on my wounds. Surprisingly, Caroline didn't seem to mind. "Why did you come back?" Thalia asked softly as she brushed my hair out of my face.

I tried to talk, but the pain in my torso was unbearable. I frowned and made a writing motion so I could just write down what I wanted to say. Nick got me a pen and Caroline got me a notebook that had a bunch of flowers on it. 'Rogues attacked my friends' I scrawled the words onto the paper.

"What about Zeke?" Nick questioned after reading it. I felt a pang in my chest at the mention of my little brother. 'I left before they could hurt anyone else. I found the rogues and they brought me here' I wrote.

Thalia frowned. "You came here willingly?" she asked. I slowly nodded my head, trying not to hurt myself. She sighed. "You should've stayed away" she whispered. Shaking my head, I scribbled on the paper. 'I found my mate. He has siblings and friends. I couldn't have them get hurt. I had to leave so they would be safe' I wrote quickly.

Nick frowned. "They could kill you here" he quietly scolded me. I shrugged. 'Better me than them' They read the words and sighed. "You're still putting everyone else before you" he mused.

'A lot of people died because rogues were looking for me. I couldn't be responsible for more deaths' I informed them. This time, Caroline was the one who spoke up. "Its not your fault that they died. It's Terence's and George's" she stated. George is my father's name- if you couldn't put two and two together.

I sighed. "But this wouldn't be happening if I didn't run away" I told them. My voice sounded hoarse, like I was a sixty year-old smoker.

Thalia frowned. "Its almost six a.m. Let's all get some sleep, and we'll continue this in a few hours" Thalia suggested. She kissed all of our heads before leaving. I wonder if she sleeps in the same bed as Alpha Terence. I'm scared to be under the same roof as that monster.

Caroline said a quick goodnight and kissed her mate. "My father still doesn't know about her" Nick told me after his mother and mate left. "Are you tired?" he asked. I shook my head. I feel like I just had a dozen cups of coffee. "Good. I can catch you up on stuff then" he offered.

I nodded my head and he sat at the edge of the bed. "After you left, they went crazy. They were sending trackers out everyday. Men actually came to me. They didn't want to follow our fathers' orders" he informed me.

"We all went along with their orders, but we had a plan to overrule them. The plan wasn't finalized until this morning. I would take over, appoint a new Beta, and lock up our fathers. But then you showed up" he said with a sigh.

Shit. I ruined his plan. That plan could've actually worked. "Will the plan not work with me here?" I inquired. I shifted in the bed and was glad that my body wasn't in burning pain anymore. It was just a dull ache. Perks of being a werewolf.

Nick shrugged. "The only reason that we were able to put together a plan was because they were distracted trying to find you. Now, they're gonna be back into their demanding and aggressive roles" he stated.

I frowned. "Look. If you guys need a distraction, I'll keep them occupied" I offered.

He quickly shook his head. "You're not going near them. They could've killed you if we didn't show up" he said softly. "We'll find another way. But until then, stay in this room. Don't go out unless me or my mom is with you" he ordered.

Great. Now I have to have a body guard. "Fine. But promise me one thing" I begged. He nodded his head. "Whatever happens, keep your family safe. You're mother is the best person I know, she just has a bad mate. And Caroline is completely innocent. Don't let them get hurt" I demanded.

"You're innocent, too" he noted.

I shook my head. "They come before me. That's your family. I'm not your responsibility" I stated. "Promise me that you'll protect them" I pleaded.

Reluctantly, he nodded his head. "Get some rest" he commanded softly. Nodding my head, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleepland.


I woke up the next morning with the same dull ache around my whole body. Groaning, I got into a sitting position. Nick was sleeping on the couch with one arm hanging off and the other under his head. He didn't even look relaxed. Just by looking at him, I could tell that his body was tense. There was a wrinkle between his eyebrows as they scrunched together.

"Morning" a voice chirped. I refrained from screaming, but I did jump at the sudden noise. Turning, I saw Caroline standing by the door. "Sorry" she said sheepishly. I gave her a small smile and motioned for her to come closer. Scooting over, I patted the space next to me and she slowly ease onto the bed, careful not to touch me. "How'd you sleep?" she asked softly.

I shrugged. "My body hurts, but I slept fine" I informed her. She nodded and we just sat in silence. We were both staring at her mate. "He's a good guy" I said softly. Caroline nodded in agreement. "Caroline. Can you do me a favor?" I asked.

She quickly nodded her head as her gaze shifted to me. "If this takes a wrong turn and things go bad; I need you to get everyone out" I stated. "I know its a lot of pressure. But the people here didn't do anything. You're their rightful Luna. You need to protect them. Get Nick, Thalia, the kids, your family- as many people as you can. Get them all out. Save them" I begged.

With a frown on her face, she looked at her mate before nodding her head. Good. Everyone knows what to do. They have their own plans, but my plan is in action. Nick would protect Thalia and his mate. Caroline would get everyone out of harms way. And I'll be the distraction, while they get out of this mess.

It was always the plan. I didn't promise Nick that I would stay away from them. He ordered me to stay away from them and all I said was 'fine.' Its not a promise. It was an agreement- one that wasn't written in stone.

Whereas, I had an agreement with myself. An agreement that I would never go against. A promise to myself that I intend to keep, even if I die in the process.


So as requested... The next chapter- which I'm in the midst of writing- will be different points of views. Someone wanted to see Zeke's POV so that's gonna be there... And Piper's dad's POV will also be written... And Nick's and Alpha Terence's POV

Kayyyzzzz Byeeezzz


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