Zero couldn't help but stare at her in shock, He wanted to deny her reasoning and insist that he was the better choice, but she was right. He hated that she hung out with vampires, but she had such a big heart that it didn't bother her in the least. If they were in a relationship right now, he'd make her feel guilty and she'd make him angry.

"And I'm not saying that I'm going to be with Takuma forever either," she told him as she felt her cheeks heat up. "We're in a relationship right now, but that might change in the future. So, if you want a chance with me, you need to be my friend and accept that I'm friends with vampires. I don't expect you to be like Yuuki or the Headmaster, but a few less glares would be nice. Besides," she smiled up at him, "you're cute when you smile."

Unable to help himself, he did smile at her a bit before gently pulling his sleeve from her grip and turned to continue walking to the Headmaster's office.

Lucy smiled at him as she jogged a few steps to catch up with him. "So... should I be expecting all three of us for lunch on Monday?"


Not wanting to press her luck, she didn't say anything but continued to smile. When they arrived at the Headmaster's office, it felt as though she had bridged the gap that had been forming between them since St. Xocolatl Day.

"Hi, Headmaster Cross," she said in a cheerful voice as she stepped into the office. "What can I do for you tonight."

When he hesitated to answer her, she knew it was something important. Her smile faded as she waited for him to respond. "As I'm sure you've guessed, Yaguri has reported you to the Hunter's Association and they are quite curious about you. I've been attempting to placate them, but they refuse to let up and have insisted upon meeting you in person."

"Do you think they would force her to leave the academy?" Zero asked.

"At this point, I have no idea," Cross told them. "She does have Kaname Kuran on her side, so that will help, but they had demanded that she go to headquarters tomorrow to meet with them so they can do a proper assessment."

"How do we know that they won't use that as an excuse to lock her up?"

"We don't, but since I am listed as her guardian, I will be accompanying her." Cross tilted his glasses down to look at Lucy.

She had remained quiet during the whole exchange since she'd had no idea how to respond. But as she looked at him now, she couldn't help but pause when she noticed how serious and focused the man's eyes had become. I don't know what it is, but he suddenly reminds me of Erza or Mira when they're preparing for a serious fight. Maybe... Headmaster Cross used to be a hunter with the Association.

"Whatever your plans are for tomorrow, you will need to cancel them," he instructed her. "It is for the best that we play along with them for now and make our move when the time is right."

"Understood," she nodded. Damn it, I'll have to cancel the photoshoot with Rima and Senri. Well, it wasn't an important one so I shouldn't get in too much trouble.

"What's going to be your game-plan?" Asked Zero.

The three of them were quiet for a few moments before Lucy spoke. "Since they know I'm different and that I carry a weapon, I should probably tell them what I am and how I can use my whip. But unless they specifically ask about my keys, I'll keep that information to myself. That should satisfy their curiosity a bit, right?"

"I believe it will, but they might also want to see you in action against some Level E vampires," Zero told her, causing a chill to rush down her spine.

"Oh, I don't think they'll go that far," the headmaster interjected in his usual manner. "If anything, they'll probably just have her spar against one of the other hunters."

Fear of Fangs (Fairy Tail and Vampire Knight Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now