Chapter 7

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Sunlight penetrated my world of darkness. I groaned yanking the covers over my head turning away from the windows. I stretched and thought about the upcoming trials ahead. I have to be ready for anything that Devon sends my way. No matter who is on my team I will need to get them working as a unit. My game plan was easy. First assess their strengths and weakness. Second weed out potential virus that could infect my entire team causing havoc and our ultimate failure. Ok Celina Vaser Richards you can do this. I am a pure blood princess and I was born to lead!

I threw off the covers jumping out of the bed. I stretched and a few quick bounces psyching myself and wolf up. My wolf thrived on the thrill of fighting. Training or in a battle she loved to fight. Sometimes it can get really intense and she scares me a little. Just a little because I too like the rush of blood pumping throughout my body when engaged in a fight. I walked over to my duffle bag to pull out a pair of gym shorts and a cut off T-shirt that showed off my abs. I was proud of my athletic body especially my four pack abs. I smiled at myself in the dresser mirror my breast weren't bad either. I sometimes will use my body as a distraction when sparring. Hell even in a real fight. I don't fight fair I was trained to use everything at my disposal. That usually means fighting dirty. Not everyone has the stomach to do it, but I've learned it's either dirty or die. I grabbed my underwear out of the duffle and headed for the shower. It was nice to have my own shower. The last pack house we stayed at wasn't as grand as Halder Pack. The bathroom was a communal one which meant no privacy. Ever.

After washing and blow drying my hair, I grabbed a hair band pulling my hair into its usual ponytail. I laced up my sneakers walking over knocking on my uncle's door. He opened the door still in his pajamas.

"Uncle I'm shocked. I got ready before you."

He gave me one of his deadly stares which I shrugged off skipping to his bed bouncing on it. "Celina."

"Ooo you're using the scary tone which you know doesn't phase me. So wake up grumpy old man." Laughing at his 'kill' face.

"Is there a reason you are in my room at 6 am? Last time I checked I'm not the one that has to be on the field."

"I know but hey if I have to be up at the crack of dawn then you should be too."

"Stop bouncing on the bed. Why did you really come in here?"

I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist. I loved this old man. He was more my father than my uncle. "I love you."

"I love you too. But I'm not going to forgive you for waking me up before seven."

I laughed stepping back breaking apart from his hug. I walked back to my room turning around to face him and gave him my serious princess face.

I spoke to him through our mind link.

While I'm on the fields see if you can get any information about where we are going to be patrolling.

Of course Your Highness.

I left his room shutting my door. I made my way down to the main floor when the aroma of bacon was calling my name. I loved bacon. My nose guided me to a large dining room where people were standing in a line for a buffet style breakfast. I quickly got behind a young mother whose baby was strapped to her back in a backpack style carrier. As I waited I played with the young baby making funny faces and baby noises at him to get him to smile.

His name was Teek and he was 9 months old and the mother's name was Candice. She and her mate had been together for three years and he is their first baby. Finally it was our time and I grabbed a plate feasting my eyes at the spread in front of me. I was in heaven there was meat galore, bacon, smoked sausage, sauge links, sausage patties, Canadian bacon, pork chop, steak, fish, chicken patties, pancakes, waffles, eggs any way you like it, and I could keep going.

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